Thursday, October 28, 2004


all rite.ok.all of u complaining about my blog. do u ever see a blog with techno music?? lolz....dun care...i like can liao..haha.....

finally passed my sub10.yeah!!! got my provisional driving licence liao...can go out onto the roads excited...haha...

tests are coming...but i havent study usual....anyway..some1 was telling me about tat idiotic hack care attitude tat i have...esp towards my studies....told me i need to change....hmmm.....make sense....hes completely different from me...good in studies..always spending time on his projects...etc...maybe tis was the reason why it didnt wk out between us after all.....the way we lead our lives are completely different loh....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:14:00 PM

Sunday, October 24, 2004


please~please dun go
Dun tell me tat is over
why do u go
tears are in my eyes
fade away fade away dun fade away~
please tell me tat you'll stay
wont u stay with me forever
dun fade away~

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:39:00 PM

Friday, October 15, 2004


Feel as though im enjoying though im on a holiday RATHER THAN STUDYING. WHY??? cos too many days nv go sch liao..HOW CAN LIKE TAT!!!! tink sooner or later...when the end of year exams come..i will just get my deserts for not studying. =(

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:46:00 AM

Tuesday, October 05, 2004


today went bbdc for sub10 circuit assesement. the practical sux men today. first time i got evaluated on my circuit. the most can oni up to 12 demerit points...if more than tat..then fail liao. guess how much i got?? 28 points....i was like...wat the hell men.....
just now on the way to face was =)
after tis face was =( all the way home...until now....
no confidence liao....
sum more today the instructor so black face!!so fierce!!!n i was like so scared loh. nearly haf immediate failure at the narrow plank course...cos under stressed...instructor keep on looking at me....
then the emergency brake also. nearly fell sia.
anyway today seems like everything went wrong.......
wats worse is tat i kana tis stupid bike...the throttle a bit siao siao wan. affect my performance sia. starting alreadi gt problem liao. cannot start the engine. wah liew...i keep on starting then cannot start the engine n i started to panic. but luckily after much aggressiveness...the engine finally started. ok i koe. if u really gt the skill u take watever bike also no problem like dun feel like continuing liao//ALWAYS FAIL. i think i will nv pass tis subject. o well. tis subject 10 like shit for me..another obstacle...tink i will be stuck here forever n ever n ever. tink i need about 10 times to pass tis subject loh.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:14:00 PM

Monday, October 04, 2004

**wat a great nite.**

time for blogging again. ytd when i reach hm in the afternoon..i practically slp the whole day after tat...until about 2am then i woke up. n i started walking around in the house in total darkness. wondering wat the hell am i supposed to do since i just woke up n cant slp anymore. went online for a while. end up flipping through my school notes which i havent touched for a week or so. started reading...n reading...n reading...n enjoying the cold breeze from my window...which reminded me of when i was struggling for my o levels...every tis time...i was studying like crazy....and i look back now....4 years have passed. so fast. yeah so i was daydreaming again in the nite. haha. continued reading my notes. least i made sum progress. haha. but as usual...after sum time..i fell asleep. again. oh man.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:48:00 PM

Sunday, October 03, 2004


fri no wk. sat no wk. shiok men. finally can stay at hm on weekend nights to watch tv n chill out at hm. wat a different feeling men. finally can slp early n wake up early. haha.

later going bbdc for my theory lesson liao...then tink cuming home n staying home for the rest of the day.....cannot always go out!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:26:00 AM

Saturday, October 02, 2004


just woke up n just taken my lunch. hmmm...mifen n sum nuggets n green bean soup. now so full liao. my stupid sister keep on laughing at sum tv show until the whole house can hear her laughter. my bro playing computer game. my parents have gone out. all doing their own things....i listen to techno...o well....n daydreaming about when i will get my own bike....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:23:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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