Monday, January 31, 2005


Feel like going chiong 2nite. Cant stand it liao. got to relieve myself!!!

Come my blog must on music loud loud okie??? then happening mah =)

Dun like?? just turn the sound off.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:15:00 PM

Sunday, January 30, 2005


just came back from wk again. after i got down from transport...saw some uncles jogging and doing their morning exercise -_-....wake up so early sia.

i tink i got some health problem liao. tink my kidney got problem. always feel pain. then always feel like vomiting for no reason. shittt...isit bcos i drink too much last time? last time i really keep on drinking a lot like tats no 2moro. oh shit if i got kidney disease how ah? i see the show on kidney patients i veri scared.......

and for tis few weeks seem like i wking at least 3 times a week...fuck...actually just planned to wk on weekends now...or i tot just once a week cos my exam cuming...but i seem to wk more than yr even worse...still tinking of whether to wk a nt....ask me to wk on new yr eve...chu yi....chu er...if i say yes...tat means wk tue wed thur fri sat.....sometimes i really dun koe whether i wking full time or part time....then if i dun wk leh...then nt enough pple....

tink my mock exam confirm siao liao. no turning back le. aiya fuck those exams la. dun care a damn about it liao. anyway oni mock exam. just leave to fate to decide lahz.

when can i get my damn bike. tink i will just settle for a normal one wave with low maintainence for the time being...tats my future husband =)

and i have sorted out my thoughts ok. no use thinking about him. just move on..rite...tink so much also no stress..i wanna relieve stress by going chiong...but scared later my health worsen.....i have low blood pressure leh...the nurse say wan...she say is bcos i smoke n drink a such ting wan meh? somebody just kill me la!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:17:00 AM

Saturday, January 29, 2005


WAT the fuck flu AGAIN...blocked nose AGAIN...

Just came back from wk...and as much as i am so tired..really could not sleep due to my stupid blocked nose. cant even breathe. oni can breathe through the mouth. HoW the hell do i sleep like tat???

oh ya..on 1 miss call from him at 9.30pm...saw it at 10++pm..then immediately call him back. got tat kind of happiness inside me when i knew he called me..arghh...

ok so i call him back, he ask me wan come out a nt. then i was tinking tat i next day fri got sch the whole day then must wake up so early. but i still tell him ok loh anyting loh. -_-''but then later he ask me 2moro i got sch a nt? wat time must wake up? then i say 7am. then he say nvm time..keep on saying he sian...then i ask him why dun ask yr gf out? then he say dun wan la, i wan go out with u -_-'''

and just as i was planning not to contact him liao so as to nurse my feelings...HE called me...and all the feelings come back again liao...someone pls tell me wat to do....i wan to cry liao.....

went to sch for lecture tis morning. then during my afternoon class, at 2.45pm..he called me again...ask me wat i doing..i say i in sch...he ask me wat time i finish class...i say 6pm...then he say ok loh will call me back later. but nv call @_@~

haiz i really dun koe wat to do sia. im feeling so terrible. physically and mentally. worse still i keep on sneezing n sneezing now but i dun feel cold at all. instead my whole body like veri hot. feel like cutting off my nose.

i really dun koe wat he is tinking. aiya i also dun koe. i cant tink properly liao. ZZZZzzzzzz~~~~

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:05:00 AM

Thursday, January 27, 2005


siao liao. timetable for my mock exam n uol exam out liao. would be busy all the way from mid feb to may. so mani workshops to to self study like tat?? siao liao..havent study yet...dead....

all the workshops need money...$131.25...haiz...everyting also need money...tink shd start betting on soccer or go buy toto then hope to strike lottery then all my probs will be solved..

2moro will be a busy day for usual...arghh...fridays..i hate it!!! so dun ever use the (thank god its friday) on me!!~ 9am ALL THE WAY to 6pm...kaoZzz...then after tat still got wk...haiii....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:37:00 PM

Wednesday, January 26, 2005


mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:26:00 AM


SEE today i wake up so early sia. but i have no class or watever. wake up early to do my online registration for my workshop.haiz. god. when will i ever start studying? someone pls motivate me leh.

Have been tinking a lot since mon when i passed my tp. Have been looking for a suitable bike. had a dream bike la...but as u koe dream will always be dream bike the maintainence quite high la..must tink about the future rite..ya nowadays i keep on tinking about tis kind of to manage my finances all tis type of in conclusion i tink next time veri hard to be financial advisor...cos i dun even koe hw to manage my own finances..oni koe how to spend like siao.

Tink a few days later or next week will go see a gal's bike liao. she wan to sell off her bike la. i see the pic..quite n white de...

And to tink of it...i like about 2 weeks nv go chiong liao hor. wah. never thought tat tis day will ever come..haha...ok..good progress...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:44:00 AM

Monday, January 24, 2005

**Its Good News~~**

HEhe...this is my story......

Today woke up at 5.30am. Bath...drink some coffee...listen to some music...then left hm at 6.55am. Kept on shivering in the was my nervousness....reach the centre just on time.....

90 pple taking the tp test in all...and my number tag was 59. Instructor briefed us on the test route. after tat all the testers came...9 testers in all...all the testers are old man with white hair tat pt of legs were shaking liao n i was trembling like choice la..normal reaction...

After 1 hr of briefing...the test started. but i haf to wait again..cos its not my turn yet...i no 59 leh...where got so the more i wait at the bench there....the more nervous i got....

Finally it was my turn. took a deep breath n tell myself just treat this like yr normal practice. i tell my bike pls pls be good ah. then i went through all the obstacle course in the my timing all slower than usual...cos i scared to hit the curbs...nearly fell on the narrow plank..but nv fall la....heng sia...after circuit finish liao...then i went out to the main road...

I was damn suay the moment i turn out left to the main road...i was blocked by this super huge truck...but luckily i change lane in time men...wah liao in my heart i curse tat damn truck....then after tat i ride n ride then everyting was going smoothly until when i was riding in the one lane road then a lot of pedestrian just rush across the road...i tink they coming out from the temple or wat...luckily i stop in time...ok then wan to go back the centre i was turning into the centre....i prepared to go up the slope and suddenly got 1 old lady walk out!! i immediately jam brake sia. wah. actually i still wanted to horn her. but i on test ma..better not..

ok after tat got to wait for half an hour for the results. went up to the room..the room filled with all the testees...all toking n toking n so scared...after tat the testers one by one come in...then the tester will call out our number tag...if our number tag kana call...tat means fail liao...i keep on tell my frien aiya i sure fail wan la. our tester came. start calling out. 55..oh my frien kana...56...oh shit men my heart beating faster n faster. 58....61...



happy like mad!!!

really cant believe it men. really tot i will fail cos all my frien say first time veri hard to pass. but tink today the passing rate quite high la. tink about 60% pass. wah so happy sia. a huddle off liao.

ya and passing point is 20. i got 18. heng rite?

then must say the biker pledge then watch the video which show us a lot of accident wan n tell us not to speed n everything but in my heart i cant tink of anything liao i just so


mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:04:00 PM

Sunday, January 23, 2005


25 more hours to TP test....=) wait for my dun koe good or bad news ya okie bloggie? ^_^

go koon liao...damn tired....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:06:00 AM

Friday, January 21, 2005


just came across some gal's blog...said another gal has come between them...then she pouring out her sorrows all tis kind of ting...i read liao a bit like the tat ANOTHER gal...the third party...i dun wish to....i hate myself....

i have to put an end to this. oh man i really hate myself. i have been longing for him to break off with his gf n i even told him can u break with yr gf for me? i guess he isnt willing to. i koe in his heart he still like his gf more than me. but if tis is the case, why is he still hanging on to me? why is he giving me all tis false hopes?? why he wan to tell me "i cannot break with my gf now..but sooner or later she will sure break up with me.can u wait for me?if u really like me, can u wait for me?" im so confused. hes wrong in doing tis. im wrong in doing tis. but i dun koe. i cant let go. i even rejected others bcos of him. im so stupid. why do i have to get involved in tis type of tings? there's a normal relationship waiting for you out there..why you wan to get involved in this?

i alreadi sorted tings out with myself n i have been thinking a lot. i guess wat is not yrs will nv be yrs. i guess it is wrong to break a couple up. even though i like him a lot. i hate myself.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:41:00 PM


haiz in the midst of actively saving money for the past few weeks...n i haf to carry on like tis for a few mths!!! wonder if i can a nt...just for my bike...everything is possible...must sacrifice a lot of tings...must control myself dun go chiong...dun go shop...aiya just dun spend unnecessarily la....

as a result...i find myself staying home these few days...sleeping early nearly everyday.... =) hehe..i found another side of me...hope to maintain like this more often ;)

OpPs 2 more days to tp....everyday im cant stop tinking about the test....heard tat last tp test oni got 30% pass...die...

ytd i self practice the time...saw 1 malay gal at the s course damn funny...i tink she first time la...tink she scared to turn then go up the curb then down then dun koe ride until far far away make me laugh sia...aiyo i so bad rite...haha...aiya not laugh at her la..oni remind me of last time when i also first time i did the same ting as her...lolz....but even worse than her...i fall so mani times....anyway its a great learning experience 4 me... *grinz*

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:15:00 AM

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


always see my face at bbdc? tats wat one of my instructor told me today. haha. always see then see loh. nvm...i just wanna pass my 2b!!!

haiz..later gonna wk again....i miss shopping....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:22:00 PM

Tuesday, January 18, 2005


like long time nv go mambo nite ah...lolz....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:29:00 AM

Monday, January 17, 2005


nothing much for the weekends...just my weekly weekend routine....

Fri- Morn go nite wk....

Sat- After wk slept all the way...until at nite wk again....

Sun- After wk no chance to slp...went for my road revision early in the morning...then go hm rest for a while then still can go out again...go eat watch movie with frien....wah lao really dun koe how my body can take it....finally reach hm at 11plus chiongster siao frien still jio me go chiong....make me gian..but i decided against it...really sick n tired of all tis type of tings liao.....ya n so the moment i touch my bed....KO liao.....

Mon- tat is today...woke up in the noon...went for my bike self practice...when i was not enough slp u koe...keep on yawning....hit the curb a few times..but heng nv fall....keep on practising all the obstacle course...but is like the more i practise the more i hit those curbs leh...not a fulfilling practice 4 me...hope 2moro will be better...after tat bought lunch hm...after a while then left hm again...go sch....just for tat stupid 2 hrs...ok the time i reach hm again completely shagged out....but ok la still can watch tv play internet a bit..haha...later got to go slp early more late nights for me!!! =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:14:00 PM

Friday, January 14, 2005


sian just came back from a super long day in sch...feel like sleeping soooo much..just so tired....but cant...later still need to wk...later after wk i tink cannot slp again...haf to go back sch for lesson...ahhhhh i feel like sleeping!!! so deprived of sleep!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:53:00 PM

Thursday, January 13, 2005


tue night he jio me go out drink. met him at his house downstairs at 12am. waited for him for slow...then take cab down to boatquay meet his cousin n gf. after sum dicussion...they still dun koe where to they ask me chose...then of cos i say go RUSH la....lolz....

so we headed down to mohd sultan...ordered 3 jugs v/7up..v/ 1 jug orange juice...cos his cousin's gf dun drink alcohol...*_* she was a china gal....

no pple there it was a tue...we just sat there n tok n play games....then after dun koe wat time.....we left liao....after his cousin sent his gf home...while waiting for his cousin...we really chatted n tok about a lot of tings...glad tat we least i koe wat he is tinking.....then his cousin n him n me go eat supper...the same old food again....we alwaays order there the mee pok....the fishballs so big...

then after tat i took cab go home...after i reach hm...i msg him ask him dun slp so late...he nv reply me -_- arghh..but so enjoyed myself tat happy.....

but after i reach hm i nv sleep...i play games play the whole day leh, watch cannot until about 4pm then i go n slp......then dinner also nv eat...slp until tis morning then wake up...saw 10plus missed calls....mich wan jio me go ladies nite ah...haiz....tink she call my hse also la...but i dun wan ans..too tired liao...hmmm i really can slp rite........

so tis morning wake up go RELC finally able to pay my exam fees liao..delay until so long....2 more days then date line liao ah...then rush to bbdc take my road revision...haf to memorise tat damn test route....tink my u turn more n more pro happy...but must practice more....instructor say i a lot of blind spot nv then i koe so mani blind spot to check...main road side road must check...stop go must check...all the lj road also must check...pedestrain crossing...junction...check turn check turn until my head wan to break liao....

ahhh my s-course turning rusty liao...die.....all my courses turning rusty liao.......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:30:00 PM

Tuesday, January 11, 2005


Today i went to sch..hehe...reach there early sia...9am...nv late!! hahaz...

after sch went up $100...just to book all the self practices...revision roads..revision circuits.....tell myself i need to practice n practice before my tp test is 2 weeks scary...but must have confidence in myself...tats the most important...=)

and so now just book finish all the lessons...the week b4 my tp almost everyday would be going to bbdc practice....

my biker frien say 1st time tp veri hard to pass....he pour cold water on me...but nvm...must haf confidence in myself....realli hope to pass on the 1st try..........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:24:00 PM

Monday, January 10, 2005


im really starting to hate everything tat is going around me. day by mood swing is definetely beoming from bad to worse. so mani tings tat happen around me..i cant breathe. prob..home..

no one will ever really understand me except my really close frienz. u cant judge smthing by wat u see. sometimes wat u see may not be really wat u see...there's always another side to it tat u have not seen.

ya so wat if im living in a condo? does tat mean tat im a rich gal? does tat mean tat i have a lot of money??? pls if u dun koe...pls dun keep on saying im RICH when i actually trying so hard to save money just for my daily expenses? if im so rich, why do u tink i still have to work? u tink i like to give up my every weekend just to work? bo liao ah? for fun ah?

actually the reason why i took up a part time job is bcos i wanted to save enough money to buy my own bike...for its monthly maintanence...then now leh? everything seems to be different. i seem to be wking just to provide for myself..for watever it is..eating..transport..cut hair...

used to have monthly allowance from my parents. but now? just bcos i start wking liao then they tink i haf money liao no need allowance from them liao. PLEASE im oni wking for 2 days a week? how much do u tink i can earn? sum more now wan to get the exams fees from them also so difficult. keep on asking when u giving me the fees for my exams? the date due cuming. keep on saying a few days later a few days later. keep on pushing n pushing until the last min. i just wan to get everyting done as soon as possible as u koe sum days i am nt free n i haf to go all the way to the stupid RELC just to pay the exam fees and the dateline is cuming? wan to get sum money from u to EAT also so difficult. always say u really got no money liao..or u dun have any change...or a few days later then give do i need to wait a few days later to eat?

and now everyting tat i spend seem to be from my salary. dun need to buy bike liao loh. win liao loh. n u r saying im a rich gal????

if really so hard to maintain tis house, why do u have to buy tis stupid condo in the first place? i rather live back in hdb least have more cash to use. why???????????????since so hard just to pay my exam fees....i rather not study then. im not being difficult or wat. just tat nobody koes my situation n how i feel. i also koe tat im studying a very expensive course. not then i dun koe. but i dun wan to study to the expense tat have to worry about tis n tat ok..

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:48:00 PM

Sunday, January 09, 2005


stupid mosquitos in my room. make me cannot slp the whole nite ytd. now cum back still got mosquitos again.

tis 2 nites keep on eating oily oily things after wk. fri nite...kang kong, fried toufu, egg omelete, chao guo tiao, pai gu<---all for supper. order all these things shared by 4 pple...can die men.

sat nite supper<--fried beehoon, popiah, potato...siao liao..gaining fats...=(

n i should say cannot always eat supper or one day u will find tat without supper u will die n u keep on eating n eating

few weeks more going to tp excited sia...

mock exams coming i even more excited tat i havent study yet.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:18:00 AM

Thursday, January 06, 2005


Having a DAMN headache n drinking hot milo.(no choice tats all tat is in my kitchen--oni coffee n milo powder.-so pathetic rite)

OK so i went to rush again last nite.........

DUn ask me was a last min decision........

SO i cant stick to my REsoultIOn...watever la...

Saw yr blog davis...quite surprised tat u say u tink i gt problems..ya i do..wonder hw u koe also...actually ytd i really nt in a veri gd mood tat y i told u i feel like drinking...and i tink i really did drink man...tink half the time i was drinking instead of dancing....

hmm..the alcohol nt thick enough? u should try tequila 7-up..enough to make me more seh than ytd liao...but i tink even the drinks at rush can make me until like tat liao...i tink im really not a good drinker.....

anyway ytd nite reach hm liao...vomited like siao...slept at my hse downstairs the bench for dun koe hw long...cos i tink i too lazy to walk up the stairs la...until the security come n wake me up..lolz....

YUP saw a lot of frienz ytd too...old frienz....

WaTever it is...the story continues....
GAL calls GUY.

GAL: got smthing to ask u. tell me truthly.
GUY: ok wat?
GAL: Do u have a gf now?
GUY: Why u ask?
GAL: Just ans me.
GUY: Have. we r together already.
GAL: Then tat time at the ktv u still 2gather with yr gf rite?
GUY: Why u ask?
GAL: ........
GUY: Sorry tat i bluff you..but its bcos i really like u tats why i bluff u. Do u like me?
GAL: YOU ask for wat???
GUY: JUst asking u.
After some silence....
GUY: I know u hate me. CAn we still be frienz? wat the fuk is this suppossed to mean??? Why is it tat the guy got gf liao still ask the gal whether she likes him a nt? cant be bothered.

Why aM i ALWAYS the 3rd party???????? i really dun understand. I dun like to be the 3rd party but all the bad tings just always happen to me..WHY WHY WHY?????

hai ya havent gone to sch for several weeks...tink 3 weeks to be exact.....i miss the chicken chop there...lolz....

and im not the least happy about it. i blame myself for it la. like tat how to pass? watever it is la. just take 1 step at a time. Last time i in poly alreadi veri slack liao..but luckily got tutorials n consultation n got mark attendence all least they keep track of yr progress...but now studying in SIM seems even more slack than i thought...they dun rush u for yr assignments...they dun keep track of yr performance...HELL LOTS of inddependence given to u n u haf to haf HELL LOTS of disipline. WEll i dun....n i haf to change....i guess........can i....will i ever.......

COnclusion: i dun tink i can. i really no discipline at all. character like tat,tat means like tat liao. correct?

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:04:00 PM

Wednesday, January 05, 2005


Blasting techno...
Drinking coffee...
Scanning my notes...

u see...i say wan to quit clubbing and really will do it. k no more clubbing for me...but i still like techno!!! Chill out with techno but no alcoholic drinks. GOOD!

Tis morning when i woke up...sudd remembered tat i have an econs test 2moro! tat y now looking at my damn notes la...but nvm la...not counted....

But i had a shock last nite when i saw my exam timetable. Nearly haf heart attack. Luckily my heart strong enough. Guess wat? Mock exams start in feb end in march. FInal exams in may..i still go tell my wk place there say for jan n feb i very free..can put me any days -_-""

Feb..which is...1 mth later!!! n i havent touch my notes yet!!! IM really starting to panic....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:10:00 PM

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


haiz...nowadays...really no mood so much tings to tink about...tis will be a long post..but i dun care...really feel like voicing everything out today...

one of my frien told me tat her bf dumped her...but she really like him a lot...but he tell me tat she will continue to quietly wait for him...haiz...i also dun koe wat to say.....just tell her all guys are like tat...ok maybe not really all guys are like tat...cos a lot of my frienz have sweet bfs tat care for them a lot...maybe bcos of my past experience..maybe bcos suay suay all the guys i met are like tat....but i still follow my heart.....

sch has reopen after 2 weeks of partying christmas n new yr..n exams are cuming...exam cuming means got to fork out money again for the exam damn ex...just for one paper...S$484...n i am taking like 4 papers...cant imagine if i fail...i will haf to retake the paper...n fork out more money...even though the money is not i pay wan...but i koe my parents really trying hard to fork out my sch fees alone...tat y seldom ask them for money....

but i tink i will the rate im going at...exams coming not even a bit concern...i really dun feel like studying liao...sum more tink of got 3 more damn fuking yrs to go....sian 1/2...if i fail leh? take 4 yrs loh. if i fail again leh? 5 yrs loh. by the time i hw old liao? waste my YOUTH loh.

tot a lot these few wanting to get a full time job. Earn my first $1k plus.
If i get a full time job then no need to worry about money liao..dun need to save until so jialat like now...

REALLY must force myself to study liao no matter wat. u koe my notes...havent touch yet, all my notes on top of my shelf i tink now got spiderweb liao...really nv bluff loh....ytd i just found some strings of white thing between the wall n my er xin....

thoughts drifted to 1 yr ago...i was still a hard core chiongster...1 yr ago at tis time...rem every wed fri sat CONFIRM PLUS GUARANTEE CHOP will meet the same old clubbing kakis at the same old theres no 2moro...and tat time i was still in my poly days...even next day got sch also hack i think back...i was really lucky to haf passed my final semester in poly...and other semesters too..or else i wouldnt haf grad by now...and if there was any fri or sat nite im at home...i will feel very uneasy....die die also must go chiong...NOw most of them got bf or gf liao...or must go in camp liao...or start wking liao...every1 move on will nv be the same again...miss those days.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:43:00 PM


Was watching tv the whole day and going out of the hse to take regular smokes.

then until 1am still cannot slp. called my neighbour, who live the condo next to me...then walk all the way to potato chips...vitasoy..he bought e33 -_-"

and we sat on the swing..u koe can swing wan..2 pple can sit wan..sat there eat n drink and tok..then reach hm...slp liao.....

Last nite i had super weird dream sia. dreamt tat me n my frienz took part in some sort of "the amazing race" and we have to swim like veri far...then got pple try to kill us...we must siam scary....eeks. and bcos of tis dream, i woke up late n miss my class! tink haf to go for the make up lesson 2moro liao.grrrr.

anyway..the story continues after my last last post....

GUY: u slp liao?

GAL: havent why leh

GUY: u see u so late havent slp!! just now should haf come ktv with us....

GAL: How i koe i cannot slp....

GUY: why u cannot slp? miss me ah? haha

GAL: u go miss yr gf first b4 u tell me tis kind of nonsence...

GUY: i where got gf???

.............(to be continued)

by the way the above is not a the GUY n GAL msging each other through sms the whole still dun wan to admit...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:52:00 PM

Monday, January 03, 2005


idiot....cant sleep. so hungry. aiya sudd see so mani pple have new yr resolutions..i tink i better haf some too.


quit clubbing
save more money
irritate more pple
get my wardrobe tidy and clean
lose more weight
spend more time in my sch library
get good grades
be more independent

ok cannot think of anymore liao la. i would haf new yr resolution for my mum n dad too.

NEW YR RESOLUTION FOR MUM- top up more food in our kitchen.(currently not even a cup of instant noodles.not even a slice of bread)and not to nag so much at my daughter.

NEW YR RESOLUTION FOR DAD- to give my daughter pocket money every month.

so lame rite. the above will never happen la anyway.

so...all i can say is....

my home sux. my sch sux. my love life sux. basically everything sux. tats basically such a good start to the new year, dont you agree?

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:22:00 AM

Sunday, January 02, 2005


HAPPY NEW YEAR 2005...the new year finally arrives..time passes so another year older liao.

ya happi new yr but not so happi after all. have so much unhappiness around me..and also the pple around me too...

wonder why some pple just love to tell LIES just bcos they wan smthing. Wonder why some guys like to bluff gals say they got no gf..but actually they haf. wonder wats hes purpose of telling all these lies. and this is a true scenerio..

GUY: i like you. Wan to be my gf?

GAL: i tot u have a gf liao?

GUY: aiya break liao lah.

GAL: huh when break wan?

GUY: yesterday. we are always quarreling.


GUY'S FRIEND: Ehh u break with yr gf liao ah??

GUY: No la..siao! who say wan! still 2gather la! and i still like her veri much...


so u koe how a guy could tell BIG LIES and really big lies and tat person really suxx full time. Why the hell did the guy do tis??? isit bcos he wan to one leg step 2 boats??? wat the hell is he thinking???

fuck all guys. they suxxx.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:07:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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