Thursday, March 31, 2005


ytd was suppossed to meet up with a few of my rush kakis...but then their frienz say wan to go devils at 9+....wah liao....siao loh go so early for wat...and sum more they go and say wat..rush not nice la devils more!!!!!! but in the end still went rush la

ytd was fun!!! haha the guy who put tattoo for me wan also got come...keep on slap tat area...say he admiring his own artwork cannot ah? -_-!! ask me when wan to put again....siao...i will nv put liao...i will not even go and touch up man...once is enough for me le....

ok, and chao ah beng dun say me liao, or else u will get pinched by me again, and kana slap by jen, u shd koe who u are ok!!!

i drink quite a lot hor...

after tat went devils again!! and history repeated itself again...duhz....ya saw ben haha....seee i every wed come support u hahaz....touched a not? but then ladies i take 1 drink but nv drink...cos i really cannot liao....stay at the live band there...walk here walk there...trying to avoid drinking...after some time of walking around...frien pei me go downstairs vomit...then wanted to get out of devils...veri sian....the music also dun koe wat....also cannot dance...

wanted to go hm liao...but in the end, end up go tiong bahru market eat prawn mee soup...tok cock all the way....then chat chat chat then i okie liao...haha....

take cab home the time, tat driver damn talkative, keep on talking to me about wat moral values all tat sai...i bo hiew him i just fell asleep in the cab, can u imagine even he saw me slping he is still toking non-stop, feel like slaping his face..

reach home liao, mum was cooking, she cook 1 hash brown 1 egg for me, and rem i got green tea? hahaz.....then slp le until now then wake up....shiok men

xeno...i tink i will not be going rush on weekends le....i will be wking least for the coming mth....i will oni go on wed.....but sometimes wed i also wont be going...cos of studies...still dun koe...see how okie....will make up to u all one day...hehe...promise!!!

so sian now loh...later must go study....and maybe later will go out to relieve stress heee...but not chiong loh, play pool.....and eat prataaa~~~

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:07:00 PM

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


ok. so i tot i got class on mon....when i reach sch...frien msg me..."rem hor 2moro at nite got class"...i was like uh-oh....then i reply "huh not today meh"..she reply me "u damn blur loh"...haiz...tat time i alreadi reach sch just study in sch library until 8plus pm....

heee today when for the actual class la 6-9.....i really really damn blur leh....stupid timetable la...tot tat column is mon....then today i wear my jeans until super low....scared make until my even worse...its like getting spikes of pain and itchiness....=(

and then ah, i suspect my father saw my tattoo....cos last nite he came into my room without me knowing...and my back was facing him...and he just stood down there n stared at dun koe simi....then i quickly turn n face the ceiling and pretend to continue slping.....aiya but hack la see see loh....find out loh...i dun give a damn ok....

anyway...hopefully 2moro can wake up early to go sch study, i starting to panic liao after today's revision class...then at nite usual place ok everyone!!! who wan go call me!!! ^_^

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:44:00 PM

Monday, March 28, 2005


woke up with a stomach ache..and neck pain back pain...dun koe how to slp la with my new grown tatooo.....when will this be over men??!!! wanted so much to post pictures but my camera phone cannot make it liao..the other time repair liao i took a lot of pics...just when i wanted to send to my mail then hp spoil any more suay a not...

later still got sch...6-9pm. if everyday my sch tis kind of timing good liao loh, can slp until late late....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:36:00 PM

Sunday, March 27, 2005


hehe just woke up...and watching the show zhen qing....tired sia...ytd go wk....then after tat my frien jio me go eat breakfast -_- tats supper for me....then my butt pain....scared to sit...scared to squard down....grr.r..

and my mum buy 1 big carton of green tea.....GOOD...then next time i got hangover then can drink liao...shiok ah...

wanted to go sentosa today but cant wake up again.....i give up....i will get fairer and fairer....

haiz waiting for my dinner now...tink mac first meal of the day hahaz.....and listening to techno~~~=)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:11:00 PM

Thursday, March 24, 2005

**** events for these 2 days....


A good start to the day sia....woke up early for my revision class and so tiring.......from morning all the way to happy tat i made it for class haha. then reach home liao leh....was wondering whether to go rush a not...cos thur i got the 2nd part revision class again....took a nap then i decided to go in the end -_-'' i keep on assuring myself i can wake up wan lah. after rush went imagine wat time i reach the time it was 7am liao....i step out of the car see all the school student....

by the way at devils i vomited until like siao loh...and by the way i drink more at devils than rush...any my veri onz de frien jio me drink lamborgini....watzzz.....i cant drink tis type of ting de....confirm ko....ask me drink beer maybe can la....ask me to drink those shots wan ah...then best of luck to you....and some more my tat frien driving loh...realli veri onz....

and saw regulars at my wk place there...argh....

ask so mani pple give me morning cal...cos i koe i going chiong today....and i told myself i will go....7.15 they start calling me.....i shouted like siao in my hse...luckily all go wk liao....nobody.....told them i havent even slp yet leh!!!!

immediately change then go sch le....but go like never go like tat loh....i never late for lecture....but then after 15mins the lecture start...i went out to toilet vomit....later go back to the lecture hall but after another 10mins i went out to vomit again....and i keep on going in and out a few times until i also paiseh.....keep on stuck in the cubicle for like dun koe how last i just sit outside the lecture hall the bench there and then at last i realli buay tahan liao i lie down on the bench there...wah kaoz....cant believe i did ttat....tats the most paiseh ting i done in sch pple walk past i also dun care.....@_@ when lunch time come then i zhao liao....

go back i just wake up and my legs are so soft n wobbily from all the vomiting....i suspect i still having hangover....i dun even feel like eating dinner...just drink soup oni....

see wat an exciting day i haf never going to drink again....okie till next time late for wk liao......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:13:00 PM

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


wat have i been doing leh?? not sure also leh. haha. eh. sleep loh. slack loh. i am even too lazy to go buy cigarette...none with me now...shacks....

and ah, someting to say...i hate pple who ACT CUTE in liao or wat??? it will oni get on my nerves loh...or maybe we have miscommunication or wat...but does it mean tat when i dun reply i dun wan to tok to u or i haf attitude prob???? ya u ask me to intro myself all tis ting i sick of all tis ting liao, since u so bo xim dun rem me then y must i intro myself again...ask so mani stupid question sum more i realli no mood also loh. not happi ah? delete me laaaa

furthermore, as i look around in my room, i realli got so mani tings to do....clear my wardrobe(veri difficult)...organise my stuffs...change my bedsheet...everyting realli in a mess now...if oni i got a maid sia.....

tink my life is even in a mani tings on my mind....i dun koe n not veri sure when is the peak of my life...but rite now and im saying rite now during tis period clearly it is the......wat is the opposite of peak? okie anyway just the bottom bottom tat cannot be bottom liao ok in every aspect of my life.

so.....i tink i going to stop clubbing for a period of time okie....not in the mood for piority now would be my studies and just earn more money.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:03:00 AM

Sunday, March 20, 2005


to make a long story short......

ytd nite was fun!!! i haf fun drinking n playing haha!!!

and shitey shit i didnt go for tat interview...wasted men.....*slap myself* and sum more still can happy happy spend so much money and all tis $$$ it was supposed to be saving for my bike de

and i feel so guilty never study for so long liao...and i left about 1 mth plus??!!?? i going to be in real deep shit soon.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:23:00 PM

Friday, March 18, 2005


my whole body muscle so acheing like siao leh...esp my stomach muscle....ok....i dun wan to say liao la.........

just finish typing my resume....wan to look for another part time job la...dun koe wat simi inventory n receptionist clerk la in beauty not bad leh....7 to 10 dollar per hr....wah if i can get tis job gd liao hor.....

hai tink tis few days will be busy la...fri wking....then sat whole day outside.....heee but i looking forward to sat!!! =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:52:00 AM

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


and just as i was about to slp i log into friendster, and i shouldnt haf log in. i am now angry like siao. check out the bitch who snatch pple bf {} and her fucking name is call DAPHNE and i will always rem her face. read her profile liao even more dulan, wat i will love him 4ever, love yr sai la. better dun let me see her in rush.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:36:00 AM


haiz jen i just read yr blog..haiz...why you say until like tat....hahaz....tink u alreadi koe by now every tue or wed sure will msg u same ting "wan go rush" tink a routine liao la..aiya but bo the only happening day tat i can chiong rite...then then more the merrier ma...but anyway...i still going rush 2moro shd be who wan to join me????

okie anyway i have just finished studying one chapter of my banking dun laugh 1 chapter a lot wan leh....sum more i got read thoroughly wan...and so i haf decided to study 1 chapter a day....hope i can stick to it...

just 1 chapter and i am feeling so nerdy liao. i need to relax...relax...cant stand it liao...i shall go drinking 2moro!!! and to tink of it...1 week plus nv go chiong le.....

Please give me motivation to study 2moro!!! STUDY HARD!!! pLAY HArd!!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:53:00 AM

Tuesday, March 15, 2005


im insane. keep on blogging. but realli veri sian leh keep on stay home and study. anyway so long didnt check my student portal liao. and look i got a full day workshop on sat from 9-5pm and i guess i have to start preparing for it le....

and im wking on fri nite no need to slp liao loh....such a good timing ya.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:29:00 PM


confirm meh?

You Will Die at Age 61


You're pretty average when it comes to how you live...

And how you'll die as well.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:07:00 AM


woo just back from town leh. when i was suppossed to study. too bored liao la. bought some mask ting which tat salesgirl say is veri effective for blackheads!!! dun koe true a nt. but i still bought it la....if effective i will promote it to u all okie??? hahaz...

anyway not much time to walk around also. so late le..all the shops closed le...haiz...ate long john silver for dinner at 9+ haha. nearly wanted to go chiong sia. but never la. must control a bit u koe tis kind of thing. oh ya and i trim my hair leh. cos ah my frien say she wan to cut her ps got 1 $10 haircut for 10-15mins...she recommend me since she cut...i also cut...hehe...must chop off all my split ends and haf a fresh be more hardworking and study more....haha tok cock...ok later should be go and study liao...really must go study liao...ok.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:09:00 AM

Monday, March 14, 2005


just woke up and just ate maggie mee my lunch la.
have been working and slping these few days, so tired...always slp late and wake up late. wat kind of a life is this men? i koe i dun need to go sch not for fun for us to self-study...but how can i......have been really lazy....pple jio me also i dun wan go chiong, dun wan go shopping, dun wan go study, oni always slp slp slp and tinking about a lot of tings. i got a feeling i gg to get sick sooner or later. =(
so sian i will go study later liao. i just now watch tat tv reality show tat says "if u wan others to help u, u must first help yrself." so i better go study la. and in life, you can never be no.1 u can oni help each other to be no.1. and my quote of the day, dun need to prove to others tat you can do it, just prove to yrself tat i can do it. so im going to go smoke first then go study liao. cos i wan to prove to myself tat i can overcome this big big super big hurdle.....
why ah, always when i feel like smoking i feel like shitting? when i feel like shitting i feel like smoking? anyone haf the same experience? lolz/.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:10:00 PM

Friday, March 11, 2005


ytd nite MU was fun loh. but then jennifer after u left a while then i also leave le. cos the rnb started. then my frien come n fetch me also. rnb sux leh but not say dun like at all but cant dance. i dun koe rnb dance la oni can sit down there drink so sian rite hhhaha.

and ah, 1 ting i wan to say is ah, beer + peanuts + techno = damn shiok!!! a lifetime of enjoyment lol.

MUSIC UNDERGROUND pls play whole nite techno laaaa........or else u will lose yr techno regularss soon laaaa.........

and now oni ting i can rem is tat blow yr whistle song which lasted for 10mins or so -_- next time bring whistle along.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:04:00 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2005

**Wat type of guy u like?**

yeah just came back from supper at alameen. wed nite nv go chiong la. got a feeling tat he will be there. cos he also rush how how....sure will always see him liao...sianz....

This is so damn true man. first time know him he really those shy shy type dun dare to koe gals wan. ask him question tok to him also so shy. but then sooner or later the true colours will appear.........

You like the sweet, shy type.

What kind of guy are you most attracted to? (CUTE anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:57:00 AM

Wednesday, March 09, 2005


i tink tis is my RETRIBUTION. im really so totally pissed off. do i look like a toy tat is so fun to play with? if tis is the case then every1 just come la come n play with me i dun care liao.

and first time i dun wan my pride keep on calling him keep on msging him, in the end he still bo hiew me. wats his prob anyway. tink veri fun to play isit.

i've cried myself to slp for the past few nites i cant even slp until really 3or 4 am. so much sadness and anger in me tat is finding a time to burst out. ya, i also dun wan to be sad, dun wan to tink so much, just 4get tat playboy,

but.....its really not so easy...really....

why must i always fall for PLAYBOYS??? last time i always cheat pple's other pple turn to cheat my feelings....i tink tis really my retribution.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:34:00 AM

Tuesday, March 08, 2005


Dearest bloggie...

just woke up from a bad nite's slp. nad i have the weirdiest drream of all n i still remember. eating ice-cream all the way for 3 meals and i vomited, and playing a big big playground where we all are playing catching. -_-

and last nite i was drinking and after tat still sibei steady go eat supper. ting is tat i seldom eat supper after i chiong mah. still hao lian go order prawn mee soup and 2 dian xin. the dian xin share wan la. then in the end leh, watever goes in came out again.

reach home liao then was even too lazy to bath n change before i slp men. so fucking tired and sick of everyting and really got no mood i just went straight to my bed and KO.

and i called him ytd and asked him how isit. still said dun koe. jitao throw my hp on the floor. damn sickening. and some more i was sitting outside the 7 11 loh. luckily my frien around and not much pple la.

pls loh, pls dun anyhow go and woo a gal for fun ok. tis is not a joke. woo a gal liao make her like u liao then another gal comes by treat u gd then u say u like her also? pls la, i really would like to koe how mani gals can u like at the same time??? tis is not the TANG DYNASTY ok. u are NOT the king hor. u cant have both at the same time. still dare to ask me if u 2gather with both of us sure cannot rite???? wat a stupid question.

and as for tat gal, you are damn slut loh. go around snatching other pple bf. and some more you are the one who started it first. like him so wat>? he go GF liao ok. say wat tat u dun mind him to haf gf, u are willing to be 2gather with him. fuck loh. so wat if u buy food all the way down to his workplace for him. he still say i never treat him good. or maybe really loh i admit. but still no need to like tat wan rite???? say wat i always never listen to him, always go chiong, treat my frienz better than him....then SHE? SHE will listen to him watever he says. he is just like comparing me and HER together.

i just dun wan to put my whole heart into a relationship when i have encountered so mani failed ones. but if i dun love u, would i still be 2gather with u? wat a stupid question. keep on asking who is tat gal, dun wan to say. nvm i will find out 1 day. and i got my ways and means of finding out. since u koe tat gal in rush...let me koe who she is nvm. but when u let me koe who she is and i happen to see her in rush, then i dun koe wat i will do loh. FUCKING BITCH.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:59:00 PM

Monday, March 07, 2005


I finally understand how it feels like to have a third party to come in between 2pPle. tis feeling sux big time men. and pls believe tat wat u do to others, others may do to u too. i hate it. she took advantage of the fact tat she knew i didnt treat him well enough. now he tinks she treat him better than i do. and he said tis: "i love you more than u do. but she love me more than i do." and he's confused. wat the fuck. of cos everyone wans to find some1 tat loves them more than they do rite. i've cried until there are no more tears left for me to cry. argh im too depressed to blog.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:38:00 AM

Friday, March 04, 2005


hai 2moro got another mock exam early in the morning...dun koe wat to mood to study...

by the way i didnt even go for any of my mock exams loh...and everytime is like i will go out the night before...tat y cannot wake up the next day. hai. watever la.

2moro is the principles of banking paper...3 hrs...i also dun koe why 1 stupid paper need so long. i also dun koe wat to write. i tink i will just anyhow write some nonsence to fill up all the paper la. i also dun koe. sometimes i just wish tat i can disappear from tis world and never to come back. no nothing..then no need work so hard.

some more now i always have irregular meals..irregular sleeping hrs...irregular everyting..always drink COFFEE...cos tats the oni pathetic thing tat i have in my kitchen. so hungry now. if oni my hse downstair got coffeeshop.

but hack la...last 2weeks were at least happy days for me. but if u wan to be happy, can, but there is a price to pay loh. the price = bad results. tink cannot play so much liao. even now my younger sister studying much more harder than me sia. and she oni sec4. always see her come home liao then study study study...hai...i really pei fu her.....

ok...before i end...let me say a prayer...please please god....dun let 2moro paper be so hard ok...let me pass....i will study harder in future....amen.....

tok cock rite. nonsence la me. good nitez....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:03:00 AM

Wednesday, March 02, 2005


ehhh...ok...start from where leh? monday ah...ehh...nua at home loh. got read a few sentences of my notes la. lolz.

tue leh...actually wanted to meet my frien go out shopping wan...but we keep on delay until veri u koe by the time we met up at orchard is already like about 8.30pm. u say leh..tis kind of time can shop wat? haha, but anyway we still go heeren walk walk...bought a jeans skirt for $39.90...omg >.< and bought 3 new rings!!! then after tat went cineleisure long john liao like feel like we went MU see see look pple at all sia. ok loh bo bian so take bus go ms my 2nd home rush!! haha!! quite a lot of pple lehz. so mani small small ah beng. haiz. quite a lot of siao kia pple drunk liao high liao then occupy whole dancefloor to themselves. and can u believe for a tue...the tables are almost all full there??? good men.

then the dj there so gd leh...i say i wan the mr vain song then he play...then help my frien ask can play the sea of love song a nt...he also play...ya then actually was with 2 frienz oni then i saw 3 of my other frienz they got come qiao. so share table loh n drink drink drink. ok la i dun wan to tok about the drinking part liao la. lolz. oh then after tat hai they so happening again...go canto sia. ok loh tis time i went with them. anyway no need cover charge cos frien bf koe the pple there.

so we went there and there was a live band playing there. i dun koe y lah but i kind of hate live bands la. drinks there so ex sia. 1 jug $40 leh. wah lao eh. but luckily got techno after tat ah. still play my favourite song mr vain leh. so happy lolz. some more first time at canto i drink their self mix martell + beer!! argh. no vomiting after tat loh. am i strong or wat. haha.

then wat happen leh?? ehhh...oh ya...then since alreadi 6am go eat breakfast la...go watch movie la..."white noise"...feel asleep for a while halfway through...tink too tired liao...

so now reach home liao loh. now listening to my favourite song loh. so high men everytime i listen to tis song..hahahaha....going to bath liao men...body so smelly hair so tired loh...then u all still jio me go rush 2nite...jen ah...mich ah...guo wei ah..alex ah...haiyo i wan to die liao...dun koe can take it a nt....but most prob 90% will go la k....haha...must go rest a while replenish my energy first.....hehe....okie see u guys there =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:35:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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