Friday, April 29, 2005


HoMe SWEET hOme...=)

today study in sch whole day again...from morning...b4 i went for my class at 6...i study until my eyes veri tired....i tink now i got a new 2nd home the sch library.....

dun say i hardworking hor, plsss.....i am only burning midnite oil........and i have to burn for at least a few more weeks loh. hope i dun get chao ta. i really very gan jiong....i regret not being consistent in my work...i regret skipping classes...i regret not revising....

anyway, watever la...complain also not use. but i like to complain. lolz...

and being on a fri nite today, and i got no wk also, i am so happy tat i nv go chiong. no one jio me..ya tats the way!!! but then just now in the evening i very stress while i studying then i jio a few of my rush kakis go chiong...heee....but all dun koe wat happen today, either not free or never msg me back....but never mind, im glad....
i really wonder why some gals like to stick to their bf so much....and rely on them so today i jio 1 of my gal frien go chiong, she keep on say dun koe dun koe, must see her bf, seems like always when she go out her bf must come along. then say her bf very tired liao, but she wan to go out, so she dun koe, haizz...i really dun koe how to say...

maybe different pple haf diff tinking....also cannot say........for me i wont got bf liao then dun wan frienz fact i spent more time with frienz than bf last tis good or bad...this type of ting veri hard to say wan rite...........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:25:00 PM

Thursday, April 28, 2005


wah like this few days veri hot hor....and is not only hot tat make my temper worsen around the house.....have been having stiff neck and back day by day goes by....its nearer to my exam dates....i everyday also do countdown to remind 12 more days to my first paper....i so really hope time can stop so i can study more...even though i hope the exam will faster finish...wat i toking.....

i really dun koe how the exam will be this is my first exam after 1yr of studies...and i also dun koe when u only start studying a mth b4 the exam, and you have 1whole yr of ting to study...can u pass a not......

ytd i went for revision class and then later in the nite wk....ytd nite was the most tiring nite tat i wk...i dun koe y...i really veri tired.........only ting i happy about is i got my tips last nite...haha...$38.10...but on 2nd so little oni tis nothing to be happy about also....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:28:00 PM

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


hi this morning i woke up early after i heard my mum slam the door when she went off for work...slack a while at home and then went to sch to study...

ya and sat when i was chionging at rush i saw my ex and he's the one whos 2gather with tat bitch...he msg me"y u see me like nv see me like tat?" i never reply...wat he expect me to do? go over and tok to him and say hi to his gf?? anywayz...he called me the next day...and then told me tat day he's gf was also there and she was angry when he msg my heart i tinking isit...i dun give a damn...and then went on to say tat got prob between them....then keep on ask me to 4give him and keep on say he really regret wat he had done to me last time...

ok and i said the same ting again tat i hate him and will never 4give him....i dun wan to haf anyting to do with tat bitch...sorry we cant even be frienz unless u haf nothing more to do with her....

then he sudd say wan to patch with me......-_- bloggie now u koe wat type of a guy he is.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:30:00 PM

Monday, April 25, 2005


this few days, my memory a bit failing la....dun koe brain is dead......but anyhow i will try recalling...............will be long long post...

i went to my revision econs lecture on sat....the lecturer was an old ang moh with white hair who flew all the way from london to spore....and his eyes were soooo small....he so funny and a bit sacastic.....but then throughout the class it was so boring loh.......dun koe wat the hell he toking, the english so chiem......i nearly fell asleep after the lunch break, but never, i keep on force myself dun slp, cos tat ang moh veri fierce, cannot use hp...cant even tok!! cos he say all these will distract him, and he will kick u out of the class! and then i keep on looking at his face and daydreaming about when can i go out to play and go chiong all tis type of thing, and then was thinking about wan to go for the lecture 2moro a not. last...i left 1hr earlier cos i really dun koe wat the fuk he toking about and i veri sleepy also.........

after i went out the lecture hall....smses keep flooding in....cos inside the hall no reception....and my sweetheart jio me go rush.....last time the frien jio me go angel....and 1 voice message left by guo wei....

all ritey so i left for rush in the end...everyone make me gian....and sum more read the hotspots pple post all those comments...
esp tat roxxy...
"look forward to the outing today!!feel the fire!!!" or
"coundown 5 more days to RUSH" or
"Inside inside inside out , inside inside out out !!!! aiyo aiyo aiyo !!!!!ooot ooot !!!yo ar yo !! Check that body , check that body !! Move that body !!!!! we will rock this place tonight!!!"

AND anyway i was alreadi thinking of not to go for lessson the next day i went......

ordered bottles of beer at coffeeshop liao. shiok...
our usual table ya....
drank an ok amount la...
i drink fruit punch y laugh at me!!!! funny meh??!!
old liao..very easily get tired...or shd say i never exercise..

2 things happen also.....
my frien quarrel with ah gui ah.....hope ah gui cool down liao...i tink indirectly my fault also.....haiz...anyway my tat frien is tat time i say all those small bengs and lians who i chiong with- tat group of pple who share with us the table.......actually they are also considered super regulars also...tat why the bouncer let them take part of the table.....

mich..yr thing also...u koe after we came out from the toilet...i saw tat gal keep on staring at our direction with a very black face....but then as i said...if got anyting i will sure help u wan!!! dun tink so much!!~

and then first time my vomit contains a bit orange n pink colour, bcos of tat fruit punch +green tea ...

sun-stay home the whole day, although guo wei jio me go rush....but i decided against it.....

should i off my hp and MIA until my exams????

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:51:00 AM

Friday, April 22, 2005


just reach early in the morning got lesson at freaking 9am....and i was late as usual...actually never late wan leh, bcos ah i wash my hair so i late lolz..9.10 still at home, power rite >.< 9.35 then reach sch.......

after lecture liao eat lunch then go study in library again.......tired like shit...esp when u koe eat finish until full liao then will be veri sleepy with the air-con and then raining some until 8plus then go home liao then watch some tv so now here i am...later must slp early liao...2moro got sch at 9am again...wah kaoz...i going to die liao..i got a long revision schedule tis weekend men....sat 9-5...sun shit......

next week also tink not much time for my studies liao...will be working on wed, sat, last week of work before my exams........try to earn as much money as possible loh before exam...arbo really no money liao....dun even haf time to chiong loh.....must have discipline starting to make progress in my revision liao....seems like a lot to study...and seems like a lot havent study yet loh....i tink tis time i will not be as lucky as my poly exams liao.....really in danger zone.....aiya just hope i can finish studying everyting on time....tats all i hope......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:44:00 PM

Thursday, April 21, 2005


did any of u guys watch this?

Image hosted by

ruhua!!! i love this show!!! haha so funny.........
wo de yi ke xin *muack muack*~ xian gei yi ge ren*muack muack*

~dun get nightmares by seeing tis pic~

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:56:00 PM


here i am again.....past few days i have been doing....

11.15pm- jen msg me wan go rush a not...i jitao no need to tink immed throw my books away and got changed lolz...we had a few drinks and had supper...veri fun....a great way to relieve stress....

next morning...i woke up at 9am (i surprised myself) to go sch library study, although i got no lessons....and then i reach the library about 11, and all the tables were occupied! i tink bcos exam period lah. 11am oni the tables occupied? kaozz....but then at last manage to find a cubicle and ownself self-study and i can say always i go sch library study it will be veri effective for me, no distractions...

after study for about 4hrs+ ...i went home then prepare for wk le.......and then last nite i went wk so mani fights...dblo got fight...o bar got fight...and is a gal and guy fighting ok...tat really puts me off......whenever i see a guy n gal FIGHTING (not quarelling) i get pissed off......cos i tink guys should really never beat a gal, no matter wat happens, i hate guys who use violence on gals.....tat isnt a gentlemen at all....if really wan to fight, guys to guys or gals to gals lah, haiz i really have such a big reaction rite cos i have been in the same situation before ie. kana beat by a guy, and tat guy is not even my bf or close frien or watever frien!! i will rem tat incident forever...and of cos is nowhere but opp rush lolz....

and tinking of which.....wonder if u all got veri often copy down yr ic by police/?? my ic kana copy down by police a lot of times, last time even worse, for illegal gathering (childish)...fights....road drunk and make noise....and i oni went to police station 3 times only...1st time my frien lost her wallet acc her to go retreive it...2nd time i run away from home for a week, my mother make police report, then after i come back must go back to police station...3rd time got suspected of .... went for urine test all tis...but of cos in the end nothing happen lah.

last nite so tiring men...wanted to go library study today again...but i wake up so late....sure no seats liao....nvm if u got discipline can liao rite...haha.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:55:00 PM

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


take care of yr health everyone and dun fall sick...esp those having cant afford to fall sick at this crucial period of time!!~


1. exercise more
2. dun smoke
3. eat more fruits
4. have adequate sleep

and last of all...nite life is bad bad bad....not good for health.........=)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:33:00 AM

Sunday, April 17, 2005


wah lan eh my whole body muscle aching like siao leh.............i tink i koe why liao lah......

Mon- rush...
Wed- rush...devils...
Fri- x...
Sat- rush....

hardcore loh.....i must stop all this nonsence lah.......dun jio me go chiong liao!! dun tempt me ok!!!!

and then esp my right arm muscle ache like shit, my hse the stupid toilet bowl very hard to flush, ask my father dun koe how mani zillion times to change the flush thing so long still havent change...flush until i got muscle ache....i really very pek chek loh.

and then my $$$ getting lesser and lesser liao...i cant control....always must wait until really got no money liao then start to panic...some more i so long never wk liao...starting to wk lesser and lesser...cos of my exams....still must stop work for 3 weeks...siao liao like tat how to survive.....really headache sia........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:48:00 PM

Saturday, April 16, 2005


just reached home!!!!

last nite or i mean tis morning really very very very shag until cannot shag liao....went rush....and i was like first time paying the cover loh...tat shows how long i weekend didnt go rush liao.....

after 3am....went club X!!! with mich...guo wei...johnny...wah liew...i tell u....the club X techno sooooooo power until cannot fast until cannot fast........i like......and they play all the latest techno.....sound system power!!!mirror power!!!shiok!!! definition of fast beats....cannot dance continously for more than 3 songs...sure tired de.....and mich and i were sweating like hell...u koe the diu diu diu diu beats.......POWER!!!! can win rush liao...

later 5+ it ended....and then we just nua at the boatquay river...waiting for mac to open....then eat breakfast...until now loh...then take cab home.....tink i veri shag liao....the fast music make me shag...tink later when i wake up my whole body muscles confirm acheee de.......confirm........

and tats my happening nite for last nite....and today no need study liao liao...sure whole day slp wan.....i really champion liao....

all ritey good nitezzzzzzzzz and slp tight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(btw i never seh, i never vomit!!!!)hahahahahaha

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:36:00 AM

Friday, April 15, 2005


woke up at 12pm today...can say to me is quite early liao...then tried to study...but like slow progress leh, i tink i study every 1hr break 3hrs....serious loh...dun koe wat the hell am i doing...then keep on looking at my bed i feel so tired....stupid me

got to prepare go sch's revision haiz...night class again....and looks like its going to rain, y i always so suay wan.........

so later after class going chiong again........i dun care liao........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:55:00 PM

Thursday, April 14, 2005


my mind is in a total blank just wan to say tat I HATE ACCOUNTING!!!!!!!!!! kill me pls...y am i in this course in the first reporting sux sux sux like hellll...

haiz...last few days...tink dun wan to update liao lah....write write also the same eg [wan to/feel like/going to/cannot puke/vomit lah....] some1 say wan hor. dun wan to update liao...

anyway thanks my dajie jen for taking care of me...really....and ben nice to see u at devils again also...we missed the techno part in the dance section...wasted lah....thanks for your water also....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:53:00 PM

Sunday, April 10, 2005


long time no update liao hor. aiya still the same old life lahz. fri wk sat wk...then fri i tink never drink enough water ah, sat i kana flu again and sore throat. wah lao eh, i hate tis kind of thing wan leh. esp when i got the mood to study liao, then i must get sick.

exactly 1 more mth left to my big day and the days tat i am going to die. i tink i will just study hard and do my best loh, then thought for a veri long time also, if i fail 2 or more modules then i quit point men.....luckily next week no work for me, and then im going to keep a low profile liao.....


my exams are over.......tat is 20+ of may........long rite........dun koe i can tahan a not. no mohd sultan for me next week...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:20:00 PM

Thursday, April 07, 2005


AT Long Last~~after dun koe how mani mths ago of the stupid virus attacking my com then all my songs i have xing xing ku ku de download them back again hahahaha let u all take a look

Image hosted by
ya my song list comprise of 90% techno 8% chi song 2% retro haha shiok rite. you die die also will never ever ever find those rnb or eng song on my com wan unless i really like it a lot loh...2 days a week rnb is more than enough for me le loh........mostly i will listen to oni chinese songs or techno only =)

list is not complete...will continue if next time i free....will download more chinese songs!!!

i tink if i blast all the songs and if nobody at home i can have a mini RUSH liao........really leh.......i got 1 big mirror in my living room, then if close the curtain all tis.....only ting i lack is a disco light.......wah damn shiok.....then i tink i will be the happiest person on earth. crap lah me.........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:10:00 PM


just now go chiong with my sweetheart michelle long nv dance with her long didnt drink with her....ate supper then go home liao...but until now i havent slp yet, so veri much feel like puking....but i havent puke a single ting out yet, im trying not to...

just now slp a while, slp a while also can dream of so mani tings, i dream of i go chiong at o bar then got techno, got the mr vain n smoke machine n the book is on the table, then at the corner got 1 opening tat leads to chinablack, and michelle went in there, and she disappeared then dun koe wat liao lah..

and poor mich lost her sad....haiz...

and today i not seh enough as dun wan to say who to dance platform....haha.....

ok i tink i going to go puke liao, buey tahan liao..........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:16:00 AM

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


got to force myself to study liao today and 2moro. i hope the clock stop now. as each day goes by, beginning to be really really really gan chiong.........

i also got to plan my finances i sudd remembered.....pple still owe me money...tats gd...

friend A- $110 (i tink can get back)
friend B- $100 (confirm can get back)
friend C- $40 (owe pple money dun wan to pay back always give excuses)
friend D- $40 (dun even wan to ans my phone)

why i can remember so clearly leh? bcos tat friend C and D really pissed me off...even though to some it may be quite a small amt...and it is over half a year liao....esp D...she's a frien tat i koe through my frien...not really tat close...but then tat time she ask me for help, say she need the money urgently, then ok loh since tat time i got the money to spare, and then now, she wan to avoid me. when need u then so gd to like tat....wah kaoz....

tat C also the same...he go malaysia buy 10 pack cig for me...i pay him $50...he only give me 2 pack....then he say still owe me $40...always call him give me those type of lame excuses....say next mth next mth until a year pass liao still havent i dun even bother to call him liao....

and some more i not really tat close to the both of them!!!!

hao xin mei hao bao...

A and B leh....are frienz tat i can get along well with...and i can trust no worries........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:38:00 PM

Monday, April 04, 2005


ytd woke up late evening...wanted to rest...

then my rush kaki bomb my hp keepp on ask me go chiong....dun koe whether to go a not, i was psychoed in the end. it was a last min decision. and then, reached ms @ 12plus...went mw find my collagues...then went rush...haiz tis chao paikia go bring all his paikia frienz down...i feel like in a world of blah blah blah.....sparks crowd+rush i was surrounded by all 17 18 19 yrs olds loh....i was the oldest...serious.....i ask all of their ages liao....lolz.....i keep on ask them to 'ta'..veri funny loh, they dun koe how to drink *shhh* drink a bit seh liao.......

after tat went to queenstown club go eat eat play billard...there billard centre 24hrs sia...played until 7am..

and i found out tat more than half of them were my former sec sch mates...and we tok so much about last time wat happen in sch... no wonder so mani pple say my sec sch is paikia sch....-_-

actually to tell the truth...cannot say them bengs n lians only if u go find trouble with them then they will act like one...or not..they are friendly least they are....

ok...i tink if i continue tis kind of lifestyle.......i can die.....i old liao.......cannot take it.........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:21:00 PM

Sunday, April 03, 2005


just came back from wk....just read finish today's newspaper...haha...when coming home just nice saw the uncle put the straits time at my doorstep....

saw some aunties at my hse gym also....i was tinking they damn energetic n happening ah...early in the morning 6 am alreadi exercising...wah kaoz....i really nothing to say.....

so very tired but i dun koe why the moment i came home i just on my com....tink i wan to listen to some techno first la b4 i slp...=)

anyway, just some u all come across guys tat say "i really like u" for a period of time, and the next moment they alreadi like somebody else and haf gf liao? tis is an example of me....u see...tats why i say guys sux....and frienz are the best =) all ritey...sun come out liao...time to slp...good nite....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`7:05:00 AM

Saturday, April 02, 2005


yoz all....15th april i can go keep me informed of any outings ya...cos i will not be wking on tat i have class which is from 7-10pm hahaz....hope everyone can make it...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:28:00 PM

Friday, April 01, 2005


i was withdrawing my money from the ATM the day b4...until i realised so fast it was end of mth fast hor....but somehow i still feel tat still like not enough money leh. at least still far from my goal of saving money for my bike...

wanted so much to lend a big sum of money from my parents, then will pay them back slowly....but then i tink n tink aiya better dun la, later wan to nag at me again. sorted out my thoughts tat if i wan buy smthing tat i like, i will never ever rely on them, cos i dun like pple to give me black face esp if i get nag at, i cant tahan....

i guess i am a person tat like to save face and independent in certain ways. but lack determination and indecisive and playful.

the more u tink i cant do it....i will do it for u to see.....(other than studies la, lolz)

but then for studies, if you are not the study type(like me) also bo bian rite....

my past experience with life had really made me independent....really.....

sudd tinking about my past relationships....failed ones in a way also got reason wan loh, i was tinking isit the prob lies with we seldom meet....or is just my attitude tat makes them pissed off......normally everyone is wking from mon-fri rite...then weekends off....but me is the veri hard loh.... heart is beginning to heal i going to be ok liao...and to me frienz are the most impt....even impt than family n least to me la....cos i am a failure in relationships and my family dun understand me at all....but must see also, some frienz are also not worth having, is only when you are at the lowest point of your life then you will really see who yr true frienz are....tis is wat i learnt......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:39:00 AM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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