Monday, May 30, 2005


yesterday nite ah...i wan to slp but cannot slp...cos got veri severe stomachache....tis morning, i wake up....still got loh...early early morning to go toilet bang sai.....inside there shit for at least half an hour.

then surf net and eat and watch tv the whole day....veri bo liao hor tis kind of life....but i not wan to shake leg at home loh, i looking for job but like got no job tat interest me leh..........ok la or should i say im just lazy...lolz....after exam must rest a while rite....

today, i was trying to clear my room, but i gave up halfway loh, now the wet cloth tat wipe all the dust wan and all the objects still lying on the floor...damn messy now....should haf left it alone la. doesnt quite like the idea of all the dust flying in front of my face. and no mood also.

and then, stop asking me bo liao question on msn, i really tink i got communication prob liao, i ask this, u ans tat. tis is making me agitated. wan to ask smthing, be more straight forward can. dun beat around the bush. in a damn crappy mood. i oni chose who i wan to tok to!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:55:00 PM


im 5pm then woke up...then watch tv...then eat dinner liao...but hehe not a proper dinner consists of a bit of rice and potatos...then later in the nite i ate ice-cream and potato have stomachache... :(

i tink i cannot slp now loh, wat am i going to do for the whole nite leh? go out also cannot go place to go so late liao...and im not so into clubbing liao loh need to say liao....studies....i hope the result never ever come out....sometimes i really tink im such a failure, this few days i really in depression mode lah.

and i gain 1kg

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:57:00 AM

Sunday, May 29, 2005


just reach home from wk and feeling veri sian again...and looking for things to eat in the kitchen again....and eating a 'zong zi' now....tink is meant for breakfast for dun koe who...but i dun care liao la....watever i find i just eat.....

for the last 2 days...having like tiny tiny red red spots on my hands and legs...dun koe wat it is, dun tink is rashes leh, cos veri itchy, i tink is the stupid mosquito bite when im sleeping, and is not normal itchy loh, is sooooooo itchy the more i scratch..stupid mosquito...scarly tat mosquito is dun koe wat, if i get dengue fever one day...nobody will koe.....

damn tired loh today but i just remembered its the end of the mth!!! going to get pay liao....must haiz...tis month veri little oni....cos i wk so to to go to the great spore sales......tell me how........ZZZzzzzzZzzzz

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:41:00 AM

Saturday, May 28, 2005


yesterday....was friday rite....wake up....slack at tv...then went off to wk liao....after wk...went club x loh....just bcos of a fight and then it close early....stupid....listen to a bit techno must go rush liao.....drink drink dance dance like siao....go back to my old home.....

anyway ytd i not really in a good mood also...dun koe why sia....until now....and when i not in a good mood, dun koe i will offend some pple a not lah....maybe the way i tok also a bit the cannot take it....anyway.... i very seriously hate pple who dua me loh....seriously....watever any circumstances may it be.....but was fun with my sweetie heart last nite...even though it may be a short while only....hehe....=) till then....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:43:00 PM

Friday, May 27, 2005


Your dating personality profile:

Athletic - Physical fitness is one of your priorities. You find the time to work athletic pursuits into your schedule. You enjoy being active.
Outgoing - You can liven up any party. You've got a way with people and have little difficulty charming your dates.
Sensual - You are not particularly shy when it comes to your sexuality. You know what you like and do not feel inhibited.
Your date match profile:

Athletic - You aren't looking for a couch potato. You seek someone who is active and who keeps his body in top shape.
Outgoing - Shy and timid people are not who you are after. You need someone with a vibrant personality to breathe life into a relationship.
Practical - You are drawn to people who are sensible and smart. Flashy, materialistic people turn you off. You appreciate the simpler side of living.
Your Top Ten Traits

1. Athletic
2. Outgoing
3. Sensual
4. Adventurous
5. Wealthy/Ambitious
6. Funny
7. Liberal
8. Practical
9. Traditional
10. Stylish
Your Top Ten Match Traits

1. Athletic
2. Outgoing
3. Practical
4. Big-Hearted
5. Adventurous
6. Funny
7. Sensual
8. Stylish
9. Romantic
10. Traditional

Take the Online Dating Profile Quiz at Dating Diversions

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:19:00 PM

Thursday, May 26, 2005


wooo just reach home from wk was fun...but long never listen to long didnt see my collegaues le....keep on tok cock with them.....its like i going back home like tat...haha....seems like the crowd is getting more and more compared to last time...tats gd loh, even for a wed got so mani pple....

just bath finish and eaten egg bread and now veri bo liao cannot slp the feeling tired but dun feel like slping...lolz.....some more now raining...such a good weather for sleeping....i tink i will just go slp la.....

today time pass like veri fast....tis weekend going to wk again...wah sad cannot go rush....

oh ya and tue after my exam i went shopping....can die....really going to pork gia liao....say wan to window shop oni end up buy so mani tings.....then after tat went cheeky monkeys to sing song tok cock with my frien and to relax ah...and tat place sux like hell men....first of all....before we went in....we ask them wat time close, they say close at 3....then they say 1 jug 15 bucks....then when we went in and order 1 jug beer...the bartender still wan charge us 18 bucks....and some more at 1.30am they alreadi on the lights and prepare to close tink bcos no customers...pls wat if we are the oni customer inside????? we are still customers rite....wat kind of service is this loh???

so everyone...pls dun go cheeky monkeys....tat place sux and their service sux even more........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:30:00 AM

Monday, May 23, 2005


finally 2moro is my last paper!!! been waiting for tis day for so long....i wan to get out of my tis prison many tings waiting for me to do....i have to clear my books....everyting is in a mess rite now....

and i have to clean the windows....sweep n mop my room floor...wipe all the bed shelves....(as instructed)...dun haf maid is like tat wan loh...and i really broke le long nv wk liao...tis week going to wk like siao....i miss all my collagaues.....heee....i miss the music there...haha...really lehz.....miss the rnb loh....

ya and during my exam period i have been sleeping early and waking up early now...after 2moro...going back to my old ways...must change again....sleep in the day and wk in the nite.....

hope 2moro everyting goes smoothly...i will pray to god before i go to bed today......kow tow n kow tow...hope i can pass.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:18:00 PM

Sunday, May 22, 2005


fever has come and gone like the wind..yay!!! cos i keep on drinking water water and water..hahaha/but still a bit of like no energy la....

at times you will feel certain u wan to love but dun dare to love....k la today i a bit bo liao so did this:

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in the heart.
In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.
You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.
Your ideal relationship is comforting. You crave a relationship where you always feel warmth and love.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something that will confine you. You are afraid of marriage.
In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily.

What Are The Keys To Your Heart?

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:08:00 PM

Saturday, May 21, 2005


im now feeling so weak sia...legs wobbily....whole body so hot...and got a headache from last nite....

ytd nite last min wanted to go went there...with 2 friens...keep on drinking...dun koe why also...reach there..pple i koe there saw my hair...then all the comments come liao loh...y so brown?? or watever shittt...i koe..since i dye my stupid idiot hair....i become a 100% angmoh lang....even in rush also is so damn clear....and next time i meet anyone very easy to recognise me wan loh....just see the striking hair colour will koe is me....i hate it lahzzzz..........

last nite not a lot of pple...dun koe isit bcos of renovation or wat...then there are still blocks of wood around the whole place...and then the toilet also so dusty....

i was not not not happy come nowadays always at rush also see him!!?? idiot loh....and i suppossed he saw me first...and i suppossed its bcos of my bright hair...and then bo tai bo ji he come over and say "eh u cut yr hair ah? let me see leh." i was tinking wtf sia...i cut my hair got his business a not??? ya and before he went off say will come n find me later...wah kaoz....

after a while i went toilet...i was in the cubicle...and heard 2 gals toking....they say why toilet no mirror all tis kind of shit....i went out of cubicle...saw 1 of the gals tat look like his gf...but i dun koe....and tat time i a bit seh liao....i just say yah loh y no mirror!! then the another gal smile at me loh and we were toking to each other....and then his gf became angry liao....she ask her frien whether isit she koe me or waat...then diao me sia!!!! fuck loh.......really fuck..........shes really an idiotic bitchy bitch....

then after tat saw johnny...look like very sad like tat...then keep on vomiting....kaoz....then i see him vomit i also vomit...idiotz.....and then ytd i kana dua by a lot of pple lot...actually got a lot of pple come wan....then in the end left 3 of us ytd is really like shittt loh......but anyway...the songs are still nice lah....

soon after he came back to my table again and i immediately shouted at him about wat happen in the toilet and told him pls la ask yr gf not to be so wat lah...ask her go and die la....and shout at him for veri long also 4get wat i say alreadi.....

so tats all for my nice day in rush loh...2.40am i go off liao.....

and now i dun koe how the hack am i going to study with a fever on....i tink heaven really like to play tricks on really sucks like hell

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:38:00 PM

Thursday, May 19, 2005


today's banking paper sux...the paper 3 hrs....i completed within 1 hr of the time i dun koe wat to do....i just daydream and stare into space and i nearly fall asleep....even if i did write anyting...i tink all i write on the paper is nonsence loh, im just toking cock in my own words with all my so called vocabulary....sure the london markers wont koe wat the hack im writing about loh....its worse than the first 2 papers...even though its easy...but i dun koe...wat am i toking....bcos i nv study....actually is not i nv no time and nv study finish....i even drink 3 cups of coffee last nite.....tats all loh....i tink im too stupid for university sucks life sucks life sucks..

and then after my exam sudd got the urge to go do someting to my hair again.....i go cut hair.....and dye a lighter brown....after tat hairdresser dye and wash finish i nearly haf heart attack loh.....i just say a bit lighter....she go and dye for me sooooooooooooo ligght until cannot light liao.....ash colour got so light wan meh.....kaoz....i dun dare go out le loh.......

u see when yr mood is not wat also not gd.........=(

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:06:00 PM

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


heee just came back from shopping at jurong point....and shittt...just now by the time i reach there was alreadi 7pm...and my friend n me oni managed to shop at 2-3 shops loh...but can buy so mani tings loh...i tink if we shop the whole jurong point i confirm bankrupt....

today i bought 1 top...1 skirt...1 bag...2 belts...and buy some of my daily use i calculate liao loh...add up to...$118.88....i tink i really koe how to spent loh....

and oh ya i went for an interview also...tat a few days ago i sent out the resume wan...then the person call me....for tat audit assistant job...then i go then interview..then after everyting finish...u koe wat the person say? she say....i can take u in. but can u do someting about yr hair? its too eye catching. look like ah lian. then she laugh. ..............

i 4got wat i say liao lah...i tink i just say!!!! say i ah lian!!! i tink she wanted me to dye my hair back to black or someting....wah can...lolz....i just dye u can dye back....i not used to it...then aiya i thought....nvm la...just 4get it la.....tats wat i dun like about office job....tis cannot tat cannot...the colour of your hair affect yr wk performance meh???

aiya suan liao la....i dun wan wk office job job wait next time then wk....sian........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:20:00 AM

Tuesday, May 17, 2005


i feel like i have not done any productive work today leh....wake up so early also no use!!~ actually wanted to go sch early and study...but then early in the morning i got stomachache and keep on shitting for almost half by the time it was veri late liao....go sch also no place to study liao....

and then for the whole day dun koe wat the hell i am doing loh!!! just to memorise about 5 sentences....i took about 1 hr.....i cant seem to get my idiot brain to function....and instead of studying....guess wat i did....from morning until now....

i keep on walking around the house....and then bcos nobody at home...i wanted to practise my singing, hehe, cos long time no go ktv and i missed it, and i on all the techno songs until i sian alreadi, dun koe all the songs repeat how many times alreadi....and i had my computer msn on....chatted with a few frienz...i ate 1 hard boil egg, 1 apple, and 3 bananas...watched some on my bed for a while...tok on msn again...tok on the phone for a while....listen techno again....and sing again....(actually i like singing a lot) lolz....and then i decided to sweep floor since i see like got a lot of dust and hair....

all tis time tinking of cigarattes cos i haf done left liao...and i felt so going to die liao...but lazy to go all the way to the stupid 7 11 which is dun koe how many kilometre away from my house....

so tis is how i spent my day loh....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:31:00 PM

Monday, May 16, 2005


im getting quite restless loh....tinking of how many chapters i have to next paper principles of banking....our lecturer keep on stressing to us no need to memorise...just understand the concepts will do....i dun tink so......i cannot....i dun tink its just sufficient to understand....

last nite my frien jio me go chalet...why always i free then nobody jio me out....when i busy then all jio me....

haiz since like so sian i wan to tok about my chionging story and my chiongster life....

a lot of pple ask me why i like rush so much.....always go the same place not sian meh? there so small...its so a bit of run mani small kids...ah beng ah lian....nice meh??

i still rem the first time i go chiong i go zouk mambo nite.

the first alcohol drink i had is teq pop.

and then i started to go club more often diff 7....dblo....and i found out tat i like techno lolz.....and tat time me n mich always go chiong 3 and 7.....haha...rem? with her frienz...with my frienz......and the old hotspots pple....but i dun tink they like techno tat much.....and then met jen at chinablack....

after a while...there is a new club emerging....tat is rush....its the techno music tat attract me at first....i was so happy theres another techno club leh....first time i went in there was not a single person inside...really loh....and its on a weekend some more....oni mich and i we book the whole rush like tat....then we like 2 siao cha bor on the dance floor dance to techno.....

on tat time onwards we always go oni 3, 7, rush....but i like club 3 the feel more comfortable there....after a while 7 close down. then 3 close down also. wah liao i was so sad leh....then left oni rush....then a few more times i went there like got more n more pple going there, then i also started to go there regularly, every wed, fri,sat...confirm will be there wan loh....then know quite a few regulars there also....cos always see each other....then slowly also koe the staff there also....

then sudd got another techno club angel open....we all go there see see look quite nice!!! the techno nice and ssome more the place bigger loh...but then after chiong there for quite some time i went back to reg rush....

then i knew guo wei through 1 of my frien at rush 1 day....and then also found out tat he also always chiong rush....and even more regular than me!!!! so through him i also made a lot of new frienz....a lot of regular there also....from then on whenever i went rush...sure will c pple tat i koe....the feeling is like so homely...lolz....really leh...i dun koe how to describe the feeling lah....maybe u will tink tat i siao or wat...but tat period of my chionging time was the best loh...and plus tat time i got more family prob....i started to hang out there very very often....

until now.....

even though i have started to wk...cannot go chiong as often as last time liao....but i also got u koe those type of feelings for tat place wan loh....a lot of tings happen....i got happy n sad memories 20th bday i also celebrate at rush....when i just break up with bf also go rush drink....haha...but anyway is ultimately is the techno also quite impt....if no techno i also will not go there.....then make a lot of frienz there loh...we not only go clubbing 2gather also...we go out eat or watch movie or play ppool 2gather also....we hang out at orchard area tok cock also....

and now there another new grp of hotspots rush lehz...ya like tats bcos why i say tats my 2nd home loh....

okie la....tats the end of my story....go study le....... =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:07:00 AM

Sunday, May 15, 2005


i had a very very nice and long sleep for the past 3 days since my last exam paper....i dun koe how long have i slept....when did i sleep...or i koe is tat the moment im tired or wat i just zzZZZzzzz........only place i go is i went to town n eat n play pool n later went clubbing on fri.....the rest of time i was sleeping at my energy is really replenished liao....

and tis morning i woke up damn early i tink about 6+am...then i drink coffee and eat bread and i flip to the classified newspaper page again....and then like suddenly like got the mood to find i just picked a few of those accounts-related job....and i found out tat almost all the accounting jobs need i have decided to start early if possible....and really need to start from stratch- llike assistant->executive->officer....i really dun wan to wk nightlife liao....

so im in the processing of sending out resumes...haha...a bit like siao rite....exam havent over then do this kind of bo liao thing....n i also havent start studying yet still wan to look for job....aiya but anyway...just sent out a few resumes loh....all for accounts/finance/tax assistant....just c whether they will call me a not...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:35:00 AM

Friday, May 13, 2005


im taking a break today.....i have been all the way at home for the past week...and then dun koe why i keep on digging my ear with the cotton bud...cos very itchy....dig until i tink dig until the ear drum....cos now i tink i cannot hear properly liao....last time even worse i dig until the ear drum and it bleed like shit...kana sent to A&E....haiz....

thanks every1..for the encouragement to study hard...hehe...and i miss all my chiongster kakiz....

sian like shit....later going out town with frien....long long long time nv go liao...can be mountain turtle liao loh...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:46:00 PM

Thursday, May 12, 2005


*prepare to fail liao*

just went bedok eat fried fish soup n rice...

at last....i reach home and i can sleep........yay.....

but still 2 more sucking papers to go...grrrr..........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:09:00 PM

Wednesday, May 11, 2005


wah kaoz just came back after doing my first paper....wah lan eh so hard the tell me even maths i going to fail leh...all the questions i do half half....everyting also half...die liao....and then last nite i keep on looking through the past yr exam paper like all the same hor...thought no need to scared....but today's paper like different from past yr........idiot...........

and the exam hall is like shitt....its way too big mani COLD....imagine i wear a jacket also will cold like siao...keep on shivering....and the stupid place got no clock...then i 4got to bring to see the time like tat??!!!

the paper which i thought is the the end come out so hard...then the rest of the papers i tink siao liao....i got phobia of 2moro's paper...i dread it....econs sucks and i heard its the highest failure rate......some more i got a lot havent study yet...i tink 2nite no need slp much as i wan to........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:03:00 PM

Tuesday, May 10, 2005


haiz 2moro finally my first paper - Maths

alreadi study finish everyting practising all the past yr exam paper...

my eyes keep on feel like cannot open like tat....haiz....and i scared to go into my bedroom...i scared to see my bed....the moment i touch my bed i confirm plus guarantee will slp until dun koe when liao...

aiya okie wan la...maths actually quite easy wan la...lolz....sure can pass...hahahaha =X just hope 2moro everyting goes well........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:14:00 PM

Monday, May 09, 2005


im seriously seriously not in the mood for anyting now....since after sat nite i went to my usual place.......the next day i had a slight fever.....i seriously dun koe why...or wat the hell is wrong with me....

last nite i oni spent 1 hr practising my maths...and tat hr is dun koe 3 or 4am when i cannot slp....

i got tis feeling tat i really cannot express in words...up to now...i haf oni finish studying 70% of my maths...and i haf 2 more nites to study....and 40% of my econs....and i haf 3more nites to study....wat the heck...somehow or rather i feel so guilty clubbing 3 nites last week and it was even the week b4 my exam i still dare to club...i got a feeling tat i will get punished....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:54:00 AM

Saturday, May 07, 2005


went rush ytd....after tat went "ying huang"...its the old MU...i tink i too overboard liao...stupid me.....

Life simply just sucks like hell!!!! everyting not going smoothly for me at all....

why must we study? why must we work? i hope i can marry a rich man..........i wan to be a housewife tat no need do household chores...i wan to haf a degree but no need to study....i wan to have monthly pocket money but no need to work.....*dreaming* i wan to buy new shoes, clothes, accessories, bags....i wan go sentosa(everybody said i getting whiter n whiter...for watever reason i dun koe), go swimming, go shopping, go ktv, eat good food, i wan eat sushi, long john silver, thai food, carrot cake, dou hua,laksa, roti prata, chao guo tiao, bak gu teh...i wan buy bike, digital camera, i wan to have a new hp, i wan to haf a personal maid help me tidy my room..tidy my cupboard, change my bedsheet, wash my smelly socks...i wan to dye my hair pink...go spa...go facial...and lastly i wan to chiong rush 3 times a week without worrying 2moro must wake up early or exam coming or watever shittt i tink im toking rubbish..but i haf been really daydreaming about all tis when i study...

speaking of which i nearly lost my hp last nite...and i dropped it 2 times...luckily my hp the soni erisson quite lok cock...or else i really heart pain...and it dropped into a pool of water...idiot...oh ya and i hope to have a 100 dollar voucher to take neo prints with all my frienz!!! hee...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:22:00 PM

Friday, May 06, 2005


went for my final last revision class (at last) in the morning...and then went for lunch at beauty world centre with my frien...halfway eating sudd got heavy rain....idiot....then i wear the slipper like so slippery...actually wanted to take cab...but so mani pple in the queue also...all the auntie uncle wan to snatch with me for haiz....

while waiting for rain to shop a while inside....although there's nothing in there at all....go watson buy a few anti stress facial masks n wet tissue....i feel tat i need it during tis period...hahaz....then some accessories....

after tat just walk slowly in the rain to the bus i reach hm liao....rain stop liao...heaven really like to make fun of me....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:04:00 PM

Thursday, May 05, 2005


time for update....i went rush again on wed nite after 10 days absence from there...miss there so much...i really beginning to tink i really attached to it liao....cant believe if happens tat one day it close down...i tink i would be the saddiest person on earth........

with jen...cheryl..francis...

i was really planning to enjoy myself-and told myself this was the last day i will go club until after my exam..

ya i really cried before tat...bcos i very stress and i scared i will not make it for my exams...and also i very pek chek when i try to study but dun koe wat is going on...and tis is i tink 2nd time i cry when studying for exam, first time is during o level...

but then ytd dun koe wat the hell happen, i only drink 2 glass of vodka lime i alreadi a bit high the time i drank the 4th glass i alreadi feel like vomiting...dun koe wat the hack is wrong with me, when i reach home i vomit the brown colour ting, but i never even drink burbon or wat whole nite i just drink vodka??!!!

and to make tings worse...i saw my ex again...and this time i saw his gf there also...yes shes the one...make me no mood only...still dare to sit near our table some more...

i tink i really going to MIA from there liao....for quite a while...

jen- sorry for not msging u last nite...and make alvin worry about u...hope u nv vomit last nite...
arin please dun call me mifen liao!!! and someting to tell u...u koe tat ytd after the lights on all tis, then i come out from the toilet hor, then i saw his gf lying down with her head on the table alone, then when i walk past her, i say"dun pretend to seh la drink so little only fucking bitch" in chinese...then i faster walk out...dun koe she got hear a not....but anyway....wats over is over...

really very sorry and oh ya help me tell yr xiao di thanks for ride home....=)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:44:00 PM

Wednesday, May 04, 2005


last nite i was unhappy...i could never spent a peaceful nite at home...never....

i was peaceful studying and minding my own business...then came along the non-stop nagging of all times, it really puts me off...right after my mother came home from wk...scolded me for not putting the dishes in the sink...later then put cannot ah????

watch tv also must ask me to lower the volume??? the volume is alreadi veri soft liao still ask me lower the volume then i watch simi sai???might as well dun watch better...might as well watch mr bean the best loh, no need any sound. on the fan 3 also must switch to 1....wat is this..i really dun understand....

i koe u may be veri tired after work or also veri stress studying ok....and why always always only say me...sometimes i feel i am the only one in the family tat gets scolded all the time.......and always blame me for not doing all the household chores...ok i admit im lazy....but did i ever never do when u ask me to do??? just bcos im the oldest...then u expect me to do everyting??? anyway i never even bother to ans her. i koe once i open my mouth i will get shot back again. so dun bother explaining...

i always hate exam periods when i haf to stay at home to study...nobody at home still all rite...when every1 comes home...then it will be really hell for me...nothing i do really pleases them...tats why i always like to go out when they come home...and come home when they go wk....

and we had a cold war again...i hate tis kind of ting.....if not for exam period i would have left house straight the end i never even ate the dinner tat she cook and went straight to bed...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:26:00 AM

Tuesday, May 03, 2005


sun nite was one of my most tiring nite at work. i immediately fell asleep after i reach home oni went to bath the next morning yucks dirty fellow rite me.

and i slept practically the whole day ytd...ya THE WHOLE DAY...except when it was time for dinner and i woke up ate and then went back to slp again...

until tis morning i went for my class and now i am back home....

for the past week life sux like hell...i only go 2 places for the past week...either go sch or go wk...or at home...tis kind of life suxx!!!

i always daydream when the exam is approaching...tinking of wat i wan to do and wat i wan to everyday i scanning the newspaper for part time job with good pay..but hope tat is someting related to the course tat im studying...

oh ya...for all rush siao pple...latest news...
RUSH DANCE CLUB going to have renovations...still havent confirm...should be after tis party while u can!!! such a good timing rite!!! hope they will open again oni after my exams haha =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:14:00 PM

Sunday, May 01, 2005


sat i woke up early again....7.30am consider early? to me veri early liao loh....i need time to slowly adjust to waking up early....arbo my exams how??

just received the letter informing us the actual date, venue, time of the i thought the venue really at expo...shit...must wake up damn early liao. imagine if i live at jurong...even worse loh...can die just travelling to and fro.......

ytd while i was travelling to sch was in the hot sun....soooo sunny....i walk for 5 mins oni i was sweating liao...i really hate the sun loh.......

and then after studying went for wk....ytd i keep on haf the feeling tat i dun feel like going i wish i can just stay at home. i should have said i cannot wk loh. actually i told them i just wk wed...but they ask me sat n sun eve and labour day wan to wk a the end i said ok....bcos public holiday got extra 1.5 of pay..lolz....seee lah...bcos i so money-minded....

this few days i feel as if like i veri tired....but i dun act like im tired..or i dun show out....ytd wk still can like so active play around....but i AM not tat i dun have enough slp also mah...dun koe...maybe everyday 6hrs for me not enough, compared to last time i can slp until 12 hrs sometimes....i tink i am just emotionally tired, but i really got back ache......i tink one day my bones going to break , confirm loh......

later going to wk again sian......

and oh ya...10 more days to my doom day.....sian........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:08:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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