Thursday, June 30, 2005


The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to do more for you.
With respect to money, you spend whatever you have.
You think good luck depends on maintaining good relationships with others.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You are not able to relate clearly to others. You tend to become lost in clouds of confusion when attempting a task.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you don't have any particular type in mind, but you are inclined to look for someone who will say yes when you ask him / her out.

Who's the True You?

mifenmei scribbles off*at`7:15:00 PM


my 2nd last week of working...ytd was ladies nite...saw my poly frien...hehe...but usual nite very sleepy while wking...but happy too due to some unforeseen reason lah. =) nvm lah at least got play the tuo diao song and smoke machine and drive me crazy song...shiok ritte...haha...

then after work go yishun eat with 3 friens then go home liao...immed sleep...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:47:00 PM

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


just reach home...and just now go eat dinner near my house...feeling tat a bit sick of mum's cooking liao...hhaha...but really loh, cannot blame me, everyday like more or less the same few dishes, no variety. but no complain the same. dun koe how to cook.

then go frien hse watch the initial d cartoon got a lot of episodes loh, watch until dun koe how long...and after i watch tat show i finally went home and i speed all the way to my hse...if always ah, u ride the same road over and over again...sure will zai wan lah, some more so few cars at nite, shiok is no sun lah...hahahaha......thinking of later need to wk...haiz...sian again......tis week must wk more liao loh....slack too much liao...cannot lah. got another mouth to feed liao......

and then SIM just call me earlier and i got all the modules i wan liao...hehe...luckily i email them my timetable...everyday got afternoon classes....but tat ulu ulu sat morn class still least i can slp later. not forgetting my failed modules.although results havent come out yet...but confirm + guarantee chop at least 2 fail...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:22:00 AM

Tuesday, June 28, 2005


sun slack at home..never go anywhere...then at nite actually wanted to go down rush...but then...haiz...who ask me to ride bike...lost my way...on the roads for 1hr plus...tink ride around the whole spore liao...i even went all the way to tampines...i ride from full tank to half tank, sut ah.

mon went suntec watch tat initial d nice...and eat..spent the whole day down there....i go and cancel my prudential saving plan policy me all the trouble...

dun quite like the idea of a person selling me insurance when i am not at all interested. even if he/she is a frien to me or wat, if i dun wan means i dun wan, no point explaining to me all the benefits or blah blah. i mean, its not tat i dun wan to buy from you rite, maybe to you forking out a certain amt per mth may be peanuts, but then not every1 is the same as you. and everybody view their life and health differently even if like u said it has a lot of benefits.

you keep on saying tat i keep on saying i dun koe just bcos i wan to avoid yr question n so tat u dun haf to recommend me anyting. wtf...i dun koe means i dun koe....dun assume wat i am thinking just bcos u said tat u have seen too many of tis kind of pple. wat is tis kind of pple??? seriously, i dun tink there is anyting wrong with tis kind of pple wat. they dun wan means they dun wan wat. no point to continue.

i more hate the idea of the reason i can think of tat u went out with me. at the end of the day, when i saw you started to take out yr insurance policy thing or watever shit and begin to explain dun koe wat shit to me, i was thinking is this the reason why u so gd go and accompany me to cancel tat policy? is this the reason why u so gd watch movie or spent the whole day with me just to build gd relationship with me just for this? i hate tis kind of thing loh. frienship shouldnt be this way.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:58:00 PM

Saturday, June 25, 2005


ytd veri tired..slack at home whole day actually wanted to go wash bike like got a lot of dust liao but then i too lazy...stupid me...then slack until 8pm like tat then frien fetch me go mohd sultan interview. not all those pubs loh...go tat japanese book cafe there...nice environment lehz. but seems like i go interviews then wk 1 or 2 days dun wan wk...wasting time rite like tat...idiot me..cannot like tat liao loh....

then after tat interview...go the riverside there walk walk smoke smoke enjoy the scenery a while then went off...nv go chiong frien ask me wan go newsroom a nt...then another frien ask me wan go chinablack...of cos i dun wan techno siao leh, how can go to such places rite...and then i also not really in the come nowadays more n more of my kakis move over to the rnb side liao....=(

after tat fetched me back home...go home bath, then go online a while...then everybody msg me say wat nv go chiong meh or nv wk meh?? fri nite i online veri funni meh??? then online surf net until 1am like tat then went out.get my keys,water(i found out tat tis is veri impt as i dun wan get dehydrated again),wallet, go wash up a bit then went out go ride bike liao then we 2gather go someplace dun koe wat place leh 4got liao, lolz, eat roti prata n slack there until about 3+am then went back bkt panjang wait for his friens to finish wk from orchard kbox...then meet them at the coffeeshop eat supper...

all night owls loh....then go carpark they wan to test drive bike all tis ting...then tok tok tok...they even more nightie owl than tat time i alreadi veri tired my tat frien sent me home...cos i dun koe the way...haha...after tat he still can go back bkt panjang continue chatting with them...-_-"

can say tat my tis buddy really help me a lot loh...after i got my bike...everyting also dun koe...hes the one who taught me so mani to maintain my bike...correct my riding 1 time even scolded me for anyhow change lane and nv on signal...

after tat the moment i touch my bed oni my mother wake up...heng sia...i tink she also dun koe i went out for the whole nite haha....

and now just woke up...later going wk liao....tis week i oni wk 1 day tat is today...haha..sometimes also must take break wan rite...all ritey..till then =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:03:00 PM

Friday, June 24, 2005


wed went rush...somehow i feel that the crowd is getting younger and younger...guys the same but like got more and more ah lians...grrr...dun like dun like....but then at least the crowd just nice just enough space to dance..somehow i dun also like to go on sat...way too crowded liao.....

today went town...go watch movie with frien..actually wanted to eat dinner first loh..but then late for tat movie in the end after movie end 9smthing then eat dinner!! watched ghost town...not so scary and the storyline not gd also =( anyway its ok cos i like ghost movie...haha...but i wont recommend tis show...and then just now actually wanted to ride bike go there...but then i cannot start tat damn 4get it la take bus =( arghhh....and nvm i also scared hair messy..lolz...

at town walked pass somerset mrt..immediately thought of tink if last time if i walk pass sure gian to go chiong then will try to jio every1 down liao...but no feeling...haha...tats a gd ting rite...wah kaoz today so tired....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:49:00 AM

Tuesday, June 21, 2005



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mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:04:00 PM


last few days haf been coughing non-stop men..i tink i eat too much ice-cream liao..

and then had bought a duckie chain for my hp at suntec..looks so nice...tink i gg to buy the same duckie for my keys...

as for how i ride my bike the past few days...i no longer stop in the middle of the road. haha...but i still dun koe the way...i cant rem the way...need like veri long time to rem loh...i tink i really veri blur...tink take bus better....

i feeling so sad...i have to give up on shopping and chionging...lets see...i 1 week 3 days never go chiong liao...can take it wan lah..but i miss rush...heee....i tink i really going to MIA there for quite some time liao...see how lah...first must find a stable job first...haiz...if oni i dun haf to wk hor.....ya in my dreams oni loh...arghh........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:29:00 AM

Saturday, June 18, 2005


i finally koe how to kick start bike liao...really finally loh....keep on trying it at my hse carpark....i tell myself if i never succeed i wont go home...^-^

ytd...was the most shocking day of my life...on my way to wk....was nearly involved in a road accident loh. cos my bike died down 2 times in the middle of the road. and the traffic is damn heavy..and then dun koe i get horn how mani times liao leh...i really feel like the end i nv even go wk, cos i cant find my way there, and even i was following my frien bike, he ride so damn fast and still dare to say he ride veri slow liao. of cos i cant catch up with him lah. damn angry. i dun even koe how can i dun even koe the way around..even in spore...oh my....

i tink i too long never ride liao...tats y must practice more...some more now i found out tat the tings tat i learn in driving centre is different from yr actual riding. diff bike haf diff methods and ways to handle the bike...

now i have even more blue blacks and scratches than before liao. worse is tat my whole body muscle really really pain. even worse is tat can u imagine even if ride bike in the hot sun also can kana come oni i get sunburn. other pple nv get sunburn. isit bcos i seldom go out in the sun for so long? some more he eat petrol so so hungry like tat...i going bankrupt liao lah.....but i still love him...heee.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:48:00 PM

Thursday, June 16, 2005

**The most PAISEH day of my life..**

today went to bike shop collect my bike around noon time....everyting like so fast...the procedures..take bike...take my tings....then go off liao, and as my frien need to go wk liao, so he left me alone to ride home all by myself!!!

he led me to the expressway...where i enjoyed myself....cos veri easy no stopping no nothing....and then i went out the wrong alexandra>jurong east>bkt batok>bkt timah. dun koe why the hell i turn into the science centre and my engine stop and then i found out die liao i dun even koe how to start the my frien help me start wan....finally ask passerby start loh, so paiseh sia, and then later i wanted to push out my bike, then i tink too heavy liao i buey balance then it dropped loh...wah liao my heart really break into pieces poor bike....drop liao nvm loh...worse thing is i cannot lift it up sia.....really damn paiseh luckily there not much pple....then got 1 uncle help me lift up....and he keep on scolding me say u sure u haf licence a not?? why dun koe how to start bike?? then we both down there keep on trying to start until can loh.......wah kaozzzzz........

i went off...on the the traffic light....the engine stopped again...and in the middle of the road...i really dun koe wat to do loh....i tink i become a hazard to all the road users loh....and as usual another passerby help me push the bike to the sidewalk....and as usual i say i dun koe how to start loh...after 10mins or wat...i was on my way again....keep on see the road sign...keep on go big rounds here and there...and finally i reach bkt timah...i so happy men....but as u koe in tis world happiness will never last long wan loh....the whole bike died down just opp my hse there and some more is at the busy main road...tis time is no petrol...i see the meter shit men empty liao....

i pushed my bike for about a few metres like tat then buey tahan liao...i become veri pek chek...really very heavy loh...and need a lot of energy and some more under tat stupid hot sun.....stay there for almost half an hour under the stupid hot sun....i tink i kana dehydrated...almost fainted.....finally got my frien come down we go buy 1 can petrol then i went home....

and i cant believe just to go home i need 2 now found out tat my leg n arm got a lot of blue black and got blood loh...yucks....and my mirror got clutch loose liao....all my nvm...but my bike....haizz.....really veri heart pain......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:13:00 PM

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


just woken up and registered online for my classes for 2nd year...SIM really sux inefficient and !&#*@*... wtf...all the classes even the subjects are on first come first serve basis...i forego 2 of the subject tat i was planning to take tis yr....just bcos all the classes are full..bloody idiotic shit........and now i have to take other subjects.....and i have to take all the remaining slots tat is left....and now my timetable is like dun koe funny loh...

and is not even my fault...the whole registering process was suppossed to be 15jun and for how mani oni the first day then all booked up...wah kaoz.....everyone really veri damn kiasu loh.....wan to call the customer service there also so one ans...wat kind of a service is tis men. only good thing is tat i haf mostly afternoon classes...tat is damn shiok 4 me loh...and tat stupid ulu ulu slot is tat sat morning class...stupid shittttt

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:59:00 PM

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


-i got no money liao.
-Dont bluff lah, u no money? u so rich.
-i rich meh? i really got no money liao lah, siao liao, got financial problems.
-u no money but yr parents got money mah!
-my parents is my parents, me is me.

my parents really got money? i really wonder is tis the case a 2day i ask them for money first time in this 5mths. the moment i ask for money...he give me a black face.
him-u dont spent so much ok..try to save...i tot u are working?
me-i wk a bit oni 1mth pay 200+ oni leh, not 1k leh.
(no response)
me-my bank also no money liao.
him-i also no money liao. i really scrimping and saving.

i really dun koe wat to say...i really dun koe...i give up...scrimp and save still can buy computer game or watever shit for my brother? sometimes, when you haf 1 or more sibling, and when parents tell you they treat all their child the same, and they dun favor can believe them. but their action alreadi tell it all....oni they dun koe...this is wat i observe for so mani yrs liao.

he really expect me to survive on my part time job alone. i was wondering wat if i never wk? im so envious of most of my classmates...saying tat they cant wk and study at the same time...wan to i really seriously considering whether i should just stop my studies.

i wonder how will he react when i get my bike few days later. shocked? i would love to see it. i wan to show him i can get wat i want without his help. i know he dun like the idea of me riding a bike..and he told me before...but...i dun see the reason why i should deprive myself of someting tat i like and anyway i got it with my own means.

if you expect me to survive on just 200+ per mth..i really cant do it...i have too much expenses to handle...and dun complain tat im working too much when i take up 2 to 3 part time jobs in future, dun expect me to do well in my exams..cos i was forced to do so...

and i would like to ask wats the use of having a air-con when you dun fucking use it???
i would also like to ask why the hell would some1 put all the tidbits or watever shit in the room and lock up the room leaving nothing in the kitchen to eat???

im really sick of this kind of shit life.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:00:00 AM

Saturday, June 11, 2005


see lah i woke up so early today again by a phone call...good news and bad news loh...good news is tat i 2moro starting wk, bad news is 2nite cannot drink so much...

anyway...i was tinking got job just work first loh...the last time i worked as sales asst for a few days i quit liao, cos cannot tahan the long working hours, still must stand the whole day some more, really veri tired loh..but im wking this again....see how la.....hope this can last.....anyone free come orchard heeren find me leh......

and finally i can quit my nite job....

a week ago on my way home from interview at toa payoh got those saving plan booth...tat guy keep on pestering me until i signed up for it...anyway is to save money and got a lot of interest by the end of 25yrs. so every mth must put in 70 bucks....

and then ytd finally bought my bike liao....going to collect it on tue or wed...hope my dear baby wont give me any problems...or else need to spent money have the monthly bike installment again.........

now a lot of things to plan...a lot of things to think so mani changes....need to pia liao......a lot of finances to manage...i can be lazy lah...can really sleep the whole day loh...but once i set my mind on smthing...i must get it...n it must kao yr own...dun ever rely on parents or other pple its my philiosophy....its only sooner or later.....just be more hardwking loh...even if its to the extent of sacrificing my chionging i also will i motivate everyone to pia for all yr dreams and goals!!!!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:49:00 PM

Friday, June 10, 2005


i worked on wed nite...and after reaching home at 5am, i still dun wan to sleep or should i say cannot slp. after tat finally slept at 8am. and then woke up about 12. shiok ah. and then took my own bloody sweet time to bath and get prepared and still can watch tv some i went for another interview at toa payoh, and then since i down there n there got sale, bought a watch loh, and faster go off liao or else i confirm cant resist the temptation wan loh of sales everywhere.

then head down to town, to meet up with frien for dinner. we had dinner at tat ramen rest at cineleisure, very very full sia...long time nv eat until so shiok liao, there goes my diet plan =( after tat continue to shop around at heeren, before heading home loh...

the moment i step into my hse oni, my long time no see frien tat MIA for dun koe how mani mths call me and say veri sian and ask whether i at home a not. then kup my phone and after 10mins he say he at my hse carpark -_-"...ok nvm...i scold him until like siao loh..we tok cock and smoke n catch up with each other like tat for 1hr..and then..i go play with his bike at my carpark...oh my dream bike leh the feeling so shiok and i just keep on going round n round in circles loh in the carpark..luckily nobody there lolz.

after tat went home...immed slp liao....until now...later going for a 2nd round going bike shop look for bike.....then go wk again liao.....yay so excited going to haf bike liao =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:34:00 AM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005


just came back from mani pple...veri fun....all the nice techno songs...i tink 2day the best among all my chionging days...even can fight with weekends liao. we drank finish the half a bottle of chivas left from last time....i dance like there's no mani pple but every1 dun wan to come dancefloor.....good la better, then got more space. but then like sudd very very very sick of chionging. no doubt i like techno, i like rush, but then just sick of it la, go once in a while still can. if keep on go chiong i tink is wasting my time. i wonder why last time i was so onz and gian keep on chiong like siao. i must be mad.

today i woke up, then go eunos there interview for sales asst ting la. go the ulu ulu techpark there, why must the hq be there leh. then later go orchard eat again....then go chiong tired men......

chionging really wasting energy and time....i really really old liao for tis kind of ting...let the younger generation take over ba........i surrender.........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:10:00 AM

Monday, June 06, 2005


i went chiong on sun nite...the whole time i was there i had a very severe my head keep on aching. dun koe why also. but of cos tat doesnt spoil my mood lah.

and then today when i woke up, my thigh muscles very very pain loh, esp when squart and sit down, all bcos of ytd arghhh i was sent home by my frien on his bike and he ride until so damn fast tat i got so scared and geng my leg muscle and keep on grip the oil tank..

today whole day at home lahz. was suppossed to meet some frienz but then i too lazy and nua to go out. tink slept most of the day. and just wake up my eyes like tat...@_@ sure cannot slp liao...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:52:00 PM

Sunday, June 05, 2005


fri wk...reach home...sleep all the way until 6pm...nearly late for wk sia...i really am a pig...then wk again...then frienz also at ms...then wait for me to finish, then go eat supper at chua chu kang...then slack and tok cock...until 8am....then reach hm...go out...then come back again....and after 2 days of tiring wk....its rush time later hahaha

now really the whole street of mohd sultan become my first home......will be there at least 4 times a week loh..may it be wking or chionging.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`6:52:00 PM

Friday, June 03, 2005


a blink of an eye and a few days pass so fast liao....i also forget wat i have been doing liao....anyway...not much happenings summarise everyting...


to tink of it, my life really veri sian wan, only revolve around these few things...but when sch will be even more xiong for me, not tat i even go to sch a lot lah. but i really got prepared liao, i prepare to see at least 1 subject fail, i koe about 2 weeks have passed since my exams are over, i have been thinking a lot and i decided to resign myself to fate lah. i also haf been in a bad mood after tat cos i did poorly and keep on complain to all my frienz. but 1 day after chatting with 1 of my frien...he made me realise tat life is not all about feeling sad always, and still say im VERY pessimistic towards life. and i thought, okie. so wats the big deal about failing. not the end of my life rite. fail only ma. repeat only ma. wat big fuck to care about. ok. ya maybe i can say all tis tings now...but wait until the results come out...i dun koe...just take 1 step at a time...

and nowadays, i become more guai liao. the most 1 week chiong once only la...cheers to me for reducing on my clubbing......yay....sometimes in life, u will lose yr way, and keep on drifting further and further. sometimes when u are free or bo liao like me, then u just sit at home quietly and start tinking the things tat u have done, and start tinking about yr life, u will have a better view of yrself. and from there improve yrself rite. but then on the other hand, not all things are the same.

now a few things tat i have seen clearly about my life, first need to list out all my goals and work towards it. actually also not really goals la. goals = things i need. or isit want. i feel tat i have neglected them by spending aimlessly.

ya and tis few days i download quite a number of nice satisify myself...or i will keep on chionging lah. wats worse is tat now rush got ladies nite liao on wed n sun...if wed im wking...still can go on sun...wooo tis is gd news for me men....

haiz now i go chiong lesser liao but smoke more loh. wat am i doing men. one word lah. stress.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:24:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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