Friday, October 28, 2005


ever got the feeling of really wanting to turn up for school but in the end dun koe wtf your body clock is doing and still woke up late...after tat the feeling of depression slowly sets in and u feel so helpless...a bit kua zhang but tats wat im feeling rite now....sometimes i really feel like giving up...i dun koe wat to do....

wnenever this happens...i will blast my speakers, im doing this rite now as im writing, bo bian as no rush to go in the morning...i thought n0w i seldom go chiong i can concentrate more on my studies liao, but no, its a bit better but overall its still like the same...why is this so diff from poly....for the past 2 mths, i have just concentrated on studying and working...and i did it, i turn up for all my lectures and kept up with studies every week...but the moment i start some enjoyment, esp nite activities, everyting is like back to square dun even koe wan to go for my later afternoon class a not...damn disappointed with myself....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:04:00 AM


today i woke up late..went class for 45 mins...then went straight to wk.....took my dinner veri little pple...i tink bcos raining...whole day.....the weather sucks.....was riding in the rain for the whole got drenched the whole day handlebar someting wrong......

last week just got my tips for the month...a pathetic 20 bucks only....wah kaoz....ytd nite one of my customer intro me to waitress in his going to be opened pub @ boat quay...veri attractive pay...maybe going wk there liao.....just readjusting my schedule now.....

sudd tot of someting...dun take things for i always do....someone who koes wat u like, buy all yr favourite things for you...try hard to please you..but u just dun appreciate the end..u will just suffer.....really......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:14:00 AM

Sunday, October 23, 2005


had school on friday like office hrs...then later had steamboat at marina....was elaine's bday!! happy bday gal!!! she's one little gan chiong spider on tat day ya~ after tat went club momo...had a lot of drinks sia...left about 5am....reach home dun koe wat time liao.......

missed sch the next day, slept all the way until it was time for wk......after wk went eat supper with boss n collagues........

today also sleep until veri shiok.....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:53:00 PM

Friday, October 21, 2005


im so happy tat i went sch ytd and today... =) but the moment i reach home didnt even touch my notes...either too tired or no mood.....

last nite was ladies nite!! and went rush!!! shiok.......

luckily i can wake up on time today...after school...went for work....nowadays i like really work very little.....but during work just now i didnt drink any alcohol!!! im so glad......just now thinking of studying when i reach home...but i tink on 2nd thoughts...i shall go to bed soon so tired........a whole day of school 2moro....FRIDAY SUCKS!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:07:00 AM

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


every tue is a shiok day for me..the only day i no need to go to sch...except for sun lah...spent the whole day sleeping as usual...then around evening the time go pay installment...then go nearby queensway shopping centre walk walk have dinner nite went watch movie again...going to sleep soon is good to sleep...shagged sia.....2moro hope i can wake up for my morning class....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:04:00 AM

Monday, October 17, 2005


i finally went to rush again on fri after for like...a few weeks?? (so long?). got a fight at the end it close around 2am? tat sucks.

then sat i could not wake up for my morning lesson....never go loh, wake up liao met up for lunch with my long time no see sec sch frienz at holland village was laney's bday!! hope she like the present we bought for her....really so good to tok about the good all times we had....

after which i rushed to work....during my work...knew a business manager there...and hes like the same age as me? and he offered me a promotor job (12 bucks per hr), keep on psycho me to work for him after he knew my pathetic pay i got? actually before tat also got customer intro me to wk as promotor for henekin...the pay mani times better...but i just dun tink im up to the job...dun quite like those kind of promotor job...but i dun koe will see how it goes......

after tat went rush again.....=)

then slept my whole sun away...........and after tat......smthing happened........

today....went for afternoon class....just came home...i left my comb at my wkplace no comb to comb my hair, sibei the messy.....i going salon later...and maybe going to watch tat ghost show the a feeling i going to fall i a bit of my ear cannot hear...i dun koe wat the heck happened since tis morning........

mifenmei scribbles off*at`5:40:00 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2005


tue- went out to town for lunch...then walk ard....actually 2nite got work wan, but dun feel like going. so ask my collague take over me...haha......then go kbox again...sing from 5+ to 12am.....power ah....drink so much beer and nuts also........later went ice cold beer drink again........wanted to vomit but cant.....then go the newton circus tat shift place alreadi......a lot of those seafood stalls.....walk and walk then sudd hear techno coming from a drinks went there sit......ordered stingray..cockles...chicken wings...and the dun koe wat food...and sugar cane juice...we made frienz with the pple of tat stall there...they veri friendly and funni lah....i still take my techno disc let them play......actually the disc is for today i wk wan to play wan......haha.....just nice........after tat go home by cab liao........also broke liao......

wed- woke up at 3+....missed my 9am lesson.....oh fuck watever.....this is the 3rd consecutive time i never go for tis class liao.......the whole day was like a zoomie just walking havent wake up......saw my study subject guides just came by mail.....time to study...wanted to study....but cant........went downstairs to smoke....while smoking my boss msg me......"i tot u wking 2nite?" me: "i tot tis week i oni wk tue n sat?" boss: "my dear u have 4gotten, u are wking 2nite, but nvm if u cant make it." -_-" slept veri early...tink 10pm i slp just woke up........later going sch le.......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`10:54:00 AM

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


a friend just told me, about all the stress that he have been going through. said he wanted to quit his studies in SIM. he said he's under a lot of stress, cannot take it anymore. have high expectations of himself, not oni him, his friens and family also have high expectations of him also tat y feel so stress. i keep on telling him why are u so bothered about how pple look at u? you are the one whos studying wat, also not them. say until my mouth dry liao still cannot listen......lastly i told him, u can tell me all this thing, then wat about me, im even much worse off than u..or maybe diff pple haf diff expectations of themselves....i give up...he tok to the wrong person, some more the more he say the more cold water he splashing on me. i really dun understand. reminds me of in poly got 1 gal cried like siao just bcos she got a B and couldnt get all As.

i have this neighbour living directly above me and there is this maid who always play love songs early in the morning for so many hrs. and some more play so loud. and her fav song is tat mermaid song "a whole new world". sometimes when you are at home always hear this kind of music will sian and so now whenever she on music loud loud, i also on my techno loud loud...

studies wise....have been struggling like every week to keep up with my time at all.....seems like if u wan to be consistent must make effort every day and cannot stop i koe why i so free last yr liao....the moment you slack for a few days only, have a lot of studying to catch up liao. school sucks

and then, i really feel veri guilty about last sun...i dua so mani pple....i dun mean to......actually i hate pple to dua me also tat y.......i fell asleep until 1 plus then i tot siao liao then i msg u all.....haiz stupid me.....elaine...happy birthday......must improve more yr drinking skills!!! okie tats all for updates...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:42:00 AM

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


work last nite was shagged.....i so suay when i work then so mani pple. its full house some more. had fun toking cock with some of the customers and drinking......all of them are really jokers of my ex collague also came down...and my collague who never wk also....'ta' until like siao....but haiz.....after tat still must wash so many cups......but luckily i brought my techno disc to work.......on the techno quite loud after least not so sian when washing cup!!

after tat me n my collague go ngee ann poly there the pub drink some more....oh my god....drink until feel like vomiting.....there the place veri big all the sofa seats all this......he gave me a strawberry milk which he never drink! and i got a pack of free ciggie!

tis morning i got morning class. but i never go. of cos when i woke up late and some more with a hangover. i hate myself. i hate myself for having no time management, no discipline. last nite i still can hao lian (in my quite drunk state) to one of my customer say last year i fail 3 out of 4 subject, when he asked me whether i study good a not.

oh Ya guys.....i will be opening a chalet for my early bday celebration about 3 weeks later at downtown east....havent confirm the date will be specially for all my rush frienz okie?? Hope you all can come...... =)

mifenmei scribbles off*at`4:16:00 PM

Monday, October 03, 2005


today......had a veri nice breakfast.....porridge and me very nice liao leh.......had a very long "take my time" bath, i like singing in the bathroom! then went sch as usual........oh my god so hard the topic today. luckily i went sia.....always like dun feel like going to sch........oh and today i smoke 2 stick of ciggie oni....not bad ahh.....

last week i work for 2 days, this week also 2 days, die liao tis time, i work so little.......carm la......but i have to admit tat in a way is more time for my studies and revision........arghh.......actually all this while i keep on tinking of going chiong but i koe i least now i can control......must thank my ex......although we were not meant to be 2gather after all.......he helped me in a way......*_*

sudd found this- taken during my attachment in diff? i dun tink so........

Image hosted by

mifenmei scribbles off*at`8:54:00 PM

Sunday, October 02, 2005


wooo...i finally get to go rush again on sat...right after my work...although reach there quite late...but luckily 4am then close......wanna wish alvin happy bday again........hope all your wishes come true.......and to my beloved mich.....happy belated bday........looks like everyone like celebrating bday @ rush......shall i too........anyway i so glad to see everyone on sat......long time never go out with so big group liao....but i can see some of them not present also.........a very tiring chionging day on sat for me, when i was at wk alreadi quite seh liao...ta all the beer and watever......until when i reach rush alreadi cannot drink much liao......the supper was great (fishball soup and green tea) better buy myself or else accused of stealing fishballs again........anyway just wanted to say to all those who go chiong on sat.....alvin, mich, elaine, matthew, ben, jeff, irvin, roxxy, kenny..and jen too...and including those who never come or MIA...i miss everyone of u and hope to see you guys very soon again!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:30:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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