Sunday, November 27, 2005


just woke up...and feeling much like wat i felt last yr when i almost everyday got drunk...a really big hangover is wat i feeling now...

ytd while at one of our regular customer bday again....ytd is the first time i vomit while at wk, really buay tahan liao...supposed to close at 12, but we closed at 1, just for them. see how gd we areeee.......after tat rode home...then immed slp...nv even bath, so dirty n smelly rite...haha.....feel really like heell now....=(

i miss rush!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:00:00 PM

Friday, November 25, 2005



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mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:43:00 PM


i skipped sch for exactly 1 week and 2 days alreadi...and still counting...i have worked hard and worked like siao for the past 2 weeks....i finally banked in my cheques a lot but actually not a lot...still must wk more...i bought a ring for 10 bucks the day b4 and lose it straight away...freaking mad!!

on wed...a couple came to my pub...tat guy was really damn make a long story short...he said "why u so cha/lan?" just bcos i couldnt find most of the songs tat he wan. firstly, u come in and say u wan tis and tat song, and u wan it straight away. where got such ting? u wan me to find song also need time rite? u tink i wk here for 10yrs liao...can find any song just the snap of yr fingers?? anyway he made me really pissed off after he said why i so cha. ok fine, so i just normal tok to other customers and bo hiew him. still dare to complain to my boss say i cant find the song and say why so long his song havent come. at tat time i realli veri du lan liao...i dont even wan to service him. showed him attitude all the way and dun play his songs until he cannot stand it also i tink and ask for the bill and leave. u wan good service, please tink of yr attitude towards the staff first, or else dun expect good service back..shitty guy. luckily boss nv scold me or wat. instead she shared my sentiments about him being so shitty.

koe how i feel now? i feel like im floating and floating like dun koe float to where....dun koe i wan to float to which direction...tis makes me shitty also....not tat i dun haf goals or wat....just tat i cant seem to be able to continue studying anymore......and if i dun study....waste money time effort...if i study....must worry about tis and tat.....

wat my frien say is true...from poly until now...for every semester...i never fail to MIA from sch for a certain period of time...even now in SIM i also like tat....tis period is my MIA period from sch......i also dun koe why i like tat.......studying and working is indeed not easy at all.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`9:34:00 AM

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


sweet-talkers...hypocrites...people from all walks of life....i have experienced and seen much from my job...a job tat allows me to interact with skills is very impt....but i like my job...although it can be bored at times. at least better than a desk-bound job and can do watever i wan....have encountered so mani tings....

a man bringing his mistress here...
a couple came and the wife told me secretly she knew her husband having affair and cried...
a woman in her 40s got drunk and poured out her sorrows to me n i kana scratch by her sibei the long fingernails...

i tink i become counseller liao....

who will understand my sorrows??.....

You are White Chocolate

You have a strong feminine side with a good bit of innocence thrown in.
Whether your girlish ways are an act or not, men like to take care of you.
You are an understated beauty, and your power is often underestimated!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`11:11:00 AM

Monday, November 21, 2005


i just rode to sch and found out tat today's class was cancelled..fuck...cancel also nv inform us.....wat is this?????so i come home again...i left my hp and ciggie at my wk place ytd....argh...a day without hp sucks....luckily later would be wking again....i revised some notes just now...with techno blasting the whole hse...i feel tat i can study better with techno...haha.....depends on wat i am studying....

ytd work ends at 12...but me n my collague n some customers stayed back to drink in the pub although it close liao...tok a lot about the boss who very bossy...likes to boss their own staff around...ya its true...he still scolded my collague off in front of all the customers....haiz...working hungry but nthing to eat....tink go and eat some maggie mee and hard boil egg....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:46:00 PM

Sunday, November 20, 2005


have been busy..tis week...on 2nd tots...isit really busy? or busy sleeping oni? haha..let me recap...

mon- go sch..go work..sleep..
tue- sleep whole day and slack at home
wed- go sch...go work...go rush...rounding...sleep...
thur- actually got sch but nv go...sleep again i tink..then rounding...
fri- never go sch again..then go work...sleep...
sat- go sch...go work...and now just reach home fm wk...

look like i doing the same ting everyday hor...nothing much...and ah always i go rounding ah...sun come out then reach home...shag men....too tired to do anyting else the beer and martell and whisky tat i always drink during work tis week is enough for me to tire myself out liao....i tink i no need go chiong so much liao...drink at my wk place can liao...even now i a bit sleepy liao...alcohol can make u sleepy wan leh....i tink u all guys must be at rush enjoying much as i wish to join u all...i really buey tahan liao....

today so busy at work...but i quite my boss just told me she going to increase my pay...shiok sia!! at last after 2mths of hard wk there....oni increase by 1 buck per hr...haaa...better than nthing......yay so happy......

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:26:00 AM

Monday, November 14, 2005


friday..while working...felt veri mood to wk at all as my flu affects me...air con so cold but my whole body so hot...fuck...some more so crowded so busy...played tat dice game again...i tink tat game is damn scary.....can make u drink a lot...after tat i went home...had the worse sleep of all, even have a hard time sleeping...

sat i nv go sch at all...sleep shiok shiok until evening...then go work...feeling better but still got flu and my voice change until dun koe like wat...oh got customer jio me drink again, dun care just drink...then after work i still can go eat supper...then go home rest for 10mins wait for my friens.....then we go rounding...long time no go rounding liao...4 bikes oni not a lot...koe them through my frien...i tink they are a bunch of nice pple although look like those beng beng type...but actually not at all...halfway frien say my tyre got air come out a bit go petrol station and he actually wanted to help me pump the tyre instead he go and make spoil my `tat ting` dun koe wat ting. nvm so we rode slowly to his mechanic shop there left my bike there as it was midnite liao...and i have to become pillion liao...slack at west coast mac....then reach home liao alreadi 7am...feel like vomiting by then liao...i tink smoke too much...

sun...feeling much more better...the flu stop...but now coughing like mad.....shit...woke up cant go collect bike...took bus to work....a bit of exercise is good for me...very very few customers today...then last min going to close liao then got 1 couple buy me and my collague beer...12+ liao still down there drinking...after tat go meet the same bunch of pple again...tis time got more bikes...but oni go eat supper...then go collect my bike...everyting is ok liao...then now reach home....

a lot of tings on my mind is really tough...tinking of going to school 2moro...sian like shit....after tat still must work....tell me tell me where got time for other tings!!! life sucks!!!

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:12:00 AM

Friday, November 11, 2005


suppossed to be in school now...but why am i at home?!! im sick...veri sick....have severe sore throat...and flu...tat really sucks....

anywayz...mich jio me to rush on i went there after my work...but after a while she go liao..=( kalidas was there too!! and then after tat left me n my frien...oni we two gals...and then beside us was a big grp celebrating some1's bday i tink...oni like was a funny the end we made frienz with them...all malaysians sia.....and they drowned us with martell dun koe wattz...quite seh liao by the time i step out of rush...bought a can of green tea and faster rode home. on the way home at bkt timah rd...first time kana road block!! i reeally so scared tat time i will kana stop...then siao liao i drink so much...i try to put on a smile...luckily he waved for me to move off!! close shave sia...

then on thur...i stayed at home the whole day also when i should have the nite went rush again....oni me n my frien...i try to jio a lot of pple but all dun wan to come out on tis funny day to chiong...then nvm....when we reach...wah lao eh the whole club only got 2 pple and we all...okie i found out smthing...tat on thurs they also have free flow for gals!!!~ but oni can take vodka. ok so the other table was a guy and gal. then sudd tat guy came over ask us wan to play dai dee a nt...then ok loh...we play 2gather...and we all made frienz!! and the whole nite oni us and 2 more pple...we play tat 5-10 and frog jump game and drink and dance 2gather for the whole nite until quite seh......after tat...i go buy green tea again and rode home again......standard wan!!!

ok then when i was riding i was riding veri fast...about 120-140....and no cars so shiok then i sudd pass by 1 van, then after i pass by it then i realise tat it was a police van...shit....i look back at my mirror the police van flash their headlights....and followed me!!! omg scared the shit out of first reaction go faster......luckily nv caught up with me...oh my.....

so today i woke up with sore throat and really feel sick man...later still got wk...really dun feel like going.....but bo is really tough for me =(

mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:31:00 PM

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


today shiok sia!! no school no work!!!! just came back from town...purpose actually to buy bday present for my gd frien....but end up also buying tings for myself....bought necklace la...bracelet ah...nail polish la...actually wanted to go kbox n watch movie ah..but then lui $$$...saving money for my 2nd tattoo with my sweetheart....a few days later...getting quite scared but excited!!

i try not to tink about it but tinking back...i really dun koe u can get angry also such a small matter. isit wrong to sleep a bit more??? say until me like wasting yr time..ya i tink i wasting yr precious time when you can use tat time to spend quality time with yr family. im so sorry tat i like to sleep so much.

mifenmei scribbles off*at`12:12:00 AM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


I'm stressed stressed stressed~i hope eugene my collague faster come back from US...then no need wk so much....he holiday until so long...1 mth!! now oni me and 1 new gal wking....last week wk 4 days a week...tis week wk 5 days a week...i wan to die liao......anyone wan to wk as waiter/waitress? leave msg at my chatterbox! my boss finding bkt timah.....
lucky lucky ting is tat my wk place near my time and money!!!

anyway...some pics..taken at the chalet...

defrosting the chicken wing in the toilet
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when i was marinating the chicken laney took a secret pic of me i presume -_-
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this is a funny pic haha
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group pic...
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mifenmei scribbles off*at`1:14:00 PM

Sunday, November 06, 2005


went for work last nite...tat customer johnny was there again..i tried to avoid him, when my collague told me tat he was too romantic, i dun koe wat she means at first, then after going out with him for the first time and thereafter....i finally know what she means.

The first time i went out with him...we had mac breakfast...he bought tat bookmark ting all 3 of them..hello kitty, melody, n the chao ta face black wan for me...

He asked me out for dinner about few weeks ago. as i veri hungry....and also wan to met him at ps to have dinner.....i waited for him at the fish n co....a while later he came....oh my god he had a bunch of flowers in his hands....and he walk over to me n gave the flowers to me...wah lan eh i so paiseh, everyone was looking at me....then after tat went for coffee at dome..then went home...nothing wrong rite, frienz only wat??

but then nvm the next day he keep on msg n call me...i in sch he also call...i working he also call...i told him wat the fuck u wan to chat with me come down to the pub la....he say dun wan...wan to chat with me on the phone...wah lao pls loh i working leh.....

Like this still nvm leh...he knew my bday on 1st nov...he knew i having chalet....when he call me on tat day purposely dun wan ans...dun wan to tell him my chalet number.....ok nvm...still keep on asking me to celebrate my bday with him...said tat he will make me the happiest gal on say wat he guarantee i would be too lost for words...cant even say thank you to him -_-" really fuck! i am thinking must be give me flowers again and bring me to those restaurant n eat i koe his stunt tat can make me happy meh?

In the end on the day of my bday i didnt go out with fact i was scared to.....i thought tat all this "surprises" was over liao...but then it havent....the next day when i went for work......i saw him alreadi sitting at the pub counter there.....omg he go and tell everyone in the pub including my boss tat it was my bday.....he open 1 bottle whiskey for me to drink...diaoz....a few hrs later...he brought in a bday cake...n play tat bday song in the whole pub...sibei sibeii de paiseh loh.....still must blow candle wat shit.....and then after tat song liao everyone koe its my bday by one jio me drink liao loh.....i koe i shd thank him for taking so much effort...but then.....he tink like tis can make me happy? no loh....then after tat i veri high alreadi ah.......i can walk ah but walk a bit zig zag...but i try not to walk around so much.......he waited until i finish my work.....after i left the pub i saw jeff,alvin,ah gui waving to me from the carpark...actually he told me i must treat him supper in appreciation for his then i told him i must go liao my frienz wait veri long liao........then i just walk away......haaaaaa.........

the next day i work again......sudd got 1 lady and a little gal come to my wk place with flowers and a pink bear and present.....said she was from the flower was from him again.......when will he stop all tis nonsence....i dun koe wats wrong with me.......normally a gal tat receive such tings will feel happy wan i feel so agigated....i complain to my collague......
next time continue...going for work liao....

mifenmei scribbles off*at`3:59:00 PM

Saturday, November 05, 2005


im finally and officially 21 liao...old liao!!! got pple say once you reach 21 then time passes very fast liao....i had fun @ the chalet...thanks everyone for coming...thanks for the presents too....sorry as somebody say i so suaku when it comes to the bbq preparation ah...sorry for tat....heee........anyway i had a great time wish u guys have fun also......too bad its only for one happy tat i can celebrate with my for my family...just had a mini sing song cut cake give angbao session only...nthing mum took photo of me...but even tat...i didnt smile...even if i smile...i confirm have fake smile wan loh......dun koe i just cant seem to be happy with my family.....

my greatest bday present of all was founding someone who treasure me the way i am...and the same also goes for me... =)

this week has been a busy week for me...time to continue with studies and work...

mifenmei scribbles off*at`2:01:00 PM

_________ _________

In my mind
I can climb
All the mountains that surround me
My spirit's there
Where eagles dare to fly

In my heart
There's a spark
That can light the world around me
An open door
Where I am sure dreams are

Doesn't matter if I win
Or the colour of my skin
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

There's a time
In your life
When the odds are so against you
There's no defeat
If all you keep is pride

First or last
Slow or fast
There's a dignity that makes you
Keep driving on when worlds have come apart

Doesn't matter rich or poor
Or the things you've done before
Cause' the race is all about
Believing in yourself

And I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

And I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
When I dream
I dream

Of the moment that forever will be golden
When the torches pass
Only dreams will last
That are shared by everyone

I dream
I can run
Like the wind and be strong
When my heart just wants to give in

I dream
I can be the hero that's in me
And I dream
I dream
I dream of you


NaMe: IvY leOnG
AgE: 21
GeNdEr: FeMaLe
HoRoScoPe: ScOrpIo
BiRtH dAtE: 01/11/84
ScHooL: S'pore Insitute Of mAnageMenT
(tink gg to dropout soon)
CoUrSe: Bsc in Accounting n'Finance
HoBBiEs: Swim``PlAy pOoL``SlAckIng``watCh moVies``ktv




Digital camera
New hp
New frameless glasses
New levis jeans
Pink hair
To pass all my papers tis year
Find more jobs, earn more money
Class 3 licence
2b licence
Get my dream bike


techno =)


unsincere pple
the sun
her home


artist: daniel chan
song: bi wo xing fu

her mostvisited`

Sch website
Afterdark Hotspots




`July 2004**`August 2004**`September 2004**`October 2004**`November 2004**`December 2004**`January 2005**`February 2005**`March 2005**`April 2005**`May 2005**`June 2005**`July 2005**`August 2005**`September 2005**`October 2005**`November 2005**`December 2005**`January 2006**`February 2006**`March 2006**`April 2006**`May 2006**`June 2006**`July 2006**`August 2006**`September 2006**`October 2006**`October 2007**




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